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Barbara Bregar (Author), Helena Abramovič (Reviewer), Lea Demšar (Mentor)


Namen naloge je bil ugotoviti primernost postopka suhega zorenja za flam ali potrebušino, manj kakovostni kos mlade govedine, ki se v določenih predelih sveta pripravlja tudi na žaru, s suhim postopkom toplotne obdelave. V poskusu smo 16 dni suho zorili dva vzorca flama in 30 dni en vzorec ledij s kostjo in krovnim lojem, ki smo jih pridobili iz trupov mladih bikcev 2 dni po zakolu. Suho zorenje je potekalo v hladilniku pri temperaturi 1 ± 1 °C ob omogočeni cirkulaciji zraka in delno nadzorovani relativni vlažnosti (sol). Meritve (pH, izguba mase, instrumentalno merjenje barve in teksture) in senzorično analizo kakovosti toplotno obdelanih (dvoploščni žar, temperatura plošč 200 °C, do središčne temperature 60 °C) vzorcev smo izvajali tedensko, 2., 9., 16., 23. in 30. dan. Ugotovili smo, da goveji flam lahko suho zorimo največ 16 dni, nato se pojavi kvar. Delež obrezin suho zorenega flama (39,4 %) je bistveno večji kot pri suho zorenih ledjih (11,0 %). Med 16-dnevnim suhim zorenjem se mehkoba toplotno obdelanega flama izboljša, vendar je še vedno senzorično nesprejemljiva, medtem ko se sočnost, vonj in aroma suho zorenega in toplotno obdelanega flama v primerjavi z nezorenim ne izboljšajo značilno. Aroma in mehkoba 16 dni suho zorenega flama sta bistveno slabša kot pri 30 dni suho zorenih ledjih. Goveji flam ni primeren za suho zorenje.


meso;goveje meso;goveji flam;zorenje mesa;suho zorenje;kakovost mesa;senzorične lastnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [B. Bregar]
UDC: 637.5.032:636.2
COBISS: 4946808 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1240
Downloads: 286
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Suitability of beef flank for dry-aging
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the suitability of the dry aging process for flank, a less quality piece of young beef, which in some parts of the world is also prepared on grill, with a dry heat treatment process. Two samples of flank were aged for 16 days, and one sample of loins with bone and fat for 30 days; all cuts were obtained from the carcasses of young bulls 2 days after slaughter. Dry aging was carried out in a refrigerator at a temperature of 1 ± 1 °C with controlled air flow and partially controlled relative humidity (salt). Measurements (pH, weight loss, instrumental measurement of colour and texture) and sensory analysis of the quality of the grilled (two-platted grill, plate temperature of 200 °C, to the internal temperature of 60 °C) samples were carried out weekly, on 2nd, 9th, 23rd and 30th day. We have seen that beef flank can be dry aged for a maximum of 16 days, then spoilage occurs. Trims loss on dry aged flank (39.4%) are significantly higher in comparison with dry aged loins (11.0%). During the 16-day dry aging, the tenderness of the grilled flank improves, but it is still sensory unacceptable, meanwhile the juiciness, odour, and flavour are not significantly improved compared to not-aged one samples. The flavour and tenderness of 16-days dry aged flank are significantly worse than 30-days dry aged loins. Beef flam is not suitable for dry aging.
Secondary keywords: meat;beef;beef flank;ageing of meat;dry ageing;quality of meat;sensory properties;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za živilstvo
Pages: VI, 23 f.
ID: 10959642