diplomsko delo
Anja Jager (Author), Mojca Divjak (Reviewer), Tomaž Lampe (Mentor)


Uvod: Amputacija spodnjega uda je najpogostejša vrsta amputacije, ki privede do izgube zmožnosti hoje. V takšnem primeru oseba potrebuje protezo, ki nadomesti izgubljen ud in s tem omogoči ponovno hojo. Bionične proteze so proteze z mehansko ali aktivno komponento. Poleg bioničnih protez so se v zadnjih letih razvile tudi bionične robotske ortoze in eksoskeleti, ki se lahko uporabljajo za rehabilitacijo oseb po prebolelih različnih zdravstvenih stanjih. Namen: S pregledom literature na področju bioničnih protez ortoz in eksoskeletov predstaviti ugotovitve, do katerih so prišli avtorji. Metode dela: Pri pisanju diplomskega dela smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo raziskovanja, s pregledom že obstoječe literature, poiskano na različnih podatkovnih bazah. Rezultati: V petih študijah so pregledali dosedanji razvoj bioničnih protez, ortoz in eksoskeletov. Z raziskavami na področju hoje so ugotovili, da so rezultati oseb z amputacijo ob uporabi bionične proteze primerljivi s hojo oseb brez amputacije. Prav tako so ugotovili, da se z uporabo bionične proteze zmanjša poraba metabolne energije med hojo ter da je kontrola bionične proteze s elektromiografijo uspešna. V preostalih člankih na tem področju so se ukvarjali z razvojem sistemov za kontrolo bioničnih protez. Raziskave na področju bioničnih ortoz so se osredotočile na rehabilitacijo oseb po kapi. Eden izmed člankov nam poda smernice za izvedbo meritev biomehanike, kardiovaskularnega sistema in vzdržljivosti oseb ob uporabi bionične ortoze. V drugi raziskavi so zabeležili izboljšave hitrosti hoje, dolžine korakov in vzdržljivosti preiskovancev. Prav tako je bila raziskana uporaba ortoze za preprečitev padca stopala ter razvit nov sistem za kontrolo ortoze. Dva članka sta se osredotočila na opis robotske ortoze ter uporabo eksoskeletov za rehabilitacijo. Razprava in zaključek: V raziskave so vključili testirance z različnimi vrstami amputacij in po prebolelih različnih zdravstvenih stanjih, kar oteži medsebojno primerjavo raziskav. Prav tako vseh rezultatov študij ne moremo posplošiti na širšo populacijo, saj so nekatere vključile (pre)majhno število preiskovancev. Kljub temu da je potrebno še veliko razvoja na področju bioničnih protez ortoz in eksoskeletov raziskave, na tem področju dokazujejo boljšo funkcionalno rehabilitacijo ob nošnji bionične ortoze ter zmanjšano porabo energije in boljšo simetrijo hoje pri preiskovancih ob hoji z bionično protezo.


diplomska dela;ortotika in protetika;bionične proteze;bionične ortoze;bionika;robotika;bio-robotika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [A. Jager]
UDC: 617.3
COBISS: 5486699 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1023
Downloads: 377
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Bionic solutions in orthotics and prosthetics of the lower limbs
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Lower limb amputation is the most commonly performed amputation, which leads to the loss of walking ability. In such case a person needs a prosthesis, which replaces the lost limb, which allows the person to walk again. Bionic prosthesis have a mechanical and an active component. Besides bionic prosthetics also bionic orthotics are developed lately. They are used mostly in rehabilitation of patients with different health conditions. Purpose: To review the literature in the field of bionic prosthesis and orthosis and present the most recent findings. Methods: For the thesis we used a descriptive method of research, literature review was performed using various databases. Results: Five studies examined the recent developments of bionic prosthesis, orthosis and eksoskeletons. Studies that focused on walking cycle have proved that walking cycle with the use of bionic prosthesis is comparable with walking cycle of subjects without amputation. It has also been found that the use of bionic prosthesis reduces the energy cost of walking. Control of the bionic prosthesis with electromyography signals was also investigated and they came to the conclusion that it was successful. The remaining articles in this field dealt with the development of systems for the control of bionic prosthesis. Studies in the field of bionic orthotics focused on the rehabilitation of subjects with the use of a bionic orthosis. One of the studies gives us guidelines for measuring the impact of using a bionic orthosis on biomechanical, cardiovascular and functional outcomes of the subjects and in another one they recorded improvements in walking speed, step length and endurance of the subjects. Another research was carried out for orthosis preventing foot drop. They developed a control system for those who cannot control their orthosis with electromyography. Two articles concentrate on describing an active orthosis and exoskeletons for rehabilitation. Discussion and conclusion: Investigators included subjects with different types of amputation and health conditions, which makes it difficult to compare studies to each other. Moreover, the results cannot be generalized to the whole population, as some have included a small number of subjects. Despite the fact that many developments in the field of bionic prosthesis and orthosis are still needed, studies in this field demonstrate better functional rehabilitation with the use of bionic orthosis and lower energy cost with better walking symmetry in subjects who used a bionic prosthesis.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;orthotics and prosthetics;bionic prosthesis;bionic orthosis;bionic;robotic;bio-robotic;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za protetiko
Pages: 25 str.
ID: 10959860