magistrsko delo
Adrijana Kos (Author), Jernej Belak (Mentor)


Vsako podjetje je željno uspeha. Vendar ali imamo isto predstavo o uspehu podjetja? Ali lahko rečemo, da je poslovanje z dobičkom kazalnik uspešnosti podjetja ali pa je zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, njihovo zdravje, počutje tisti dejavnik, ki podjetje zares naredi uspešno? V magistrskem delu bomo obravnavali dejavnike uspešnosti po MER modelu integralnega managementa na primeru podjetja BSH Hišni aparati d. o. o. Nazarje. Podjetja njihovo uspešnost merijo na različne načine. Velikokrat se uspešnost omejuje zgolj na finančne kazalnike. Kultura, klima in vrednote podjetja pa so iz tega izvzete. MER model integralnega managementa predstavlja kulturo, klimo, filozofijo in verodostojnost podjetja kot ene izmed desetih ključnih uspešnostih dejavnikov podjetja. Ti so v raziskavi povzeti v dejavnike uveljavljanja verodostojnosti. S pomočjo raziskave v okviru magistrskega dela smo preučevali podjetje glede na njegovo kulturo, moč kulture, klimo, temeljnih vrednot in formalnih ter neformalnih ukrepov. Cilj magistrskega dela je; primerjati tako dejavnike uveljavljenja verodostojnosti, kot finančne kazalnike (čisti prihodki, čisti dobiček, sredstva, kapital in zaposleni) ter dejavnike zunanjega okolja. Na podlagi primerjave rezultatov raziskave, izvedene v okviru magistrskega dela, finančnih kazalnikov in dogajanja v zunanjem okolju podjetja, smo oblikovali sklep in predvideli trende v prihodnosti. V teoretičnem delu bomo predstavili pojem uspešnosti in različne dejavnike merjenja uspešnosti. Poudarek bo na dejavnikih uspešnosti po MER modelu integralnega managementa. Podrobneje bomo predstavili dejavnike: kultura, filozofija, etika in verodostojnost. V empiričnem delu bomo predstavili podjetje BSH Hišni aparati d. o. o. Nazarje, njegove finančne kazalnike, okoljske spremembe med letoma 2016 in 2018, in dobljene rezultate raziskave, izvedene leta 2016 in nato ponovno leta 2018. Rezultate smo med seboj primerjali ter pripravili predloge izboljšav.


uspešnost poslovanja;kultura podjetja;verodostojnost;integralni management;izboljšave;finančni kazalniki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Kos]
UDC: 005.523(043.2)
COBISS: 13119772 Link will open in a new window
Views: 794
Downloads: 125
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂimportance of credibility implementation by ensuring enterprises success
Secondary abstract: Every company wants success. However, do we have the same idea of the company’s success? Can we say that profit-making is an indicator of the company's success, or is the satisfaction of employees, their health, well-being the factor that really makes a company successful? In the master's thesis we will consider the factors for credibility implementation according to the MER model of integral management on the example of BSH Hišni aparati d. o. o. Nazarje. Companies measure their performance in different ways. Many times, success is limited to financial indicators; culture, climate and values are excluded from this. The MER model of integral management represents companies’ culture, climate, philosophy and credibility as one of the ten key factors for effectiveness of the company. Companies culture, climate, philosophy, credibility is summarized in the research into factors for credibility implementation. Through this research, we studied the company in terms of its culture, the power of culture, climate, core values and formal and informal measures. The aim of the master's thesis was to compare both the factors for enforcing authenticity, as well as the financial indicators (net revenues, net profit, assets, capital and employees) and the external environment. Based on the study present in this master’s thesis, we formed conclusion and anticipated trends in the future. In the theoretical part, we will present the concept of effectiveness and various factors for measuring effectiveness. The emphasis in the theoretical part will be on the effectiveness factors of the MER model of integrated management. We will present in more detail the factors of culture, philosophy, ethics and authenticity. In the empirical part we will present company BSH Hišni aparati d. o. o. Nazarje, financial indicators for the company, environmental changes from 2016 to 2018 and the obtained research results carried out in 2016 and then again in 2018. The results were compared and we also prepared suggestions for improvements.
Secondary keywords: company performance;corporate culture;credibility;MER model of integral management;financial indicators;improvements;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 76 str., 31 str. pril.
ID: 10959898