diplomsko delo
Doris Jeklič (Author), Borut Kosec (Mentor)


Jeklena oklepna pločevina PROTAC 500M, izdelana v proizvodnih obratih največjega slovenskega proizvajalca jekla, se na svetovni trg dobavlja v poboljšanem stanju. Nizko temperaturno popuščanje je izvedeno pri temperaturi 200°C, ki je zaradi nizke temperature zahteven proces toplotne obdelave. V okviru diplomskega dela so bile določene toplotne lastnosti jekla PROTAC 500M, ki so osnova za načrtovanje nizkotemperaturne toplotne obdelave. Z instrumentom za analizo toplotnih lastnosti Hot Disk TPS 2200 smo v skladu s standardom ISO 22007-2 določili toplotno prevodnost, specifično toploto in temperaturno prevodnost jekla pri sobni temperaturi in na temperaturnem intervalu med sobno temperaturo in temperaturo 480°C. Na osnovi izmerjenih toplotnih lastnosti ter izvedenih toplotno tehničnih izračunov je bila izvedena validacija dobljenih parametrov v neposrednem industrijskem okolju.


toplotne lastnosti;jeklo;temperatura;Hot Disk metoda;meritve toplotne prevodnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Publisher: [D. Jeklič]
UDC: 669
COBISS: 1750879 Link will open in a new window
Views: 903
Downloads: 299
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: determination of steel PROTAC 500M thermal properties
Secondary abstract: The armour steel sheet PROTAC 500M, made in the production plants of the largest Slovenian steel producer, is supplied to the world market in quenched and tempered condition. Low temperature tempering is processed at a temperature of 200°C, that is due to low temperature very demanding process of heat treatment. The thermal properties of steel PROTAC 500M are the basis for the design of low temperature heat treatment and they were determined within this thesis. Thermal conductivity, specific heat and temperature conductivity of the steel at room temperature and at a temperature interval between room temperature, and the temperature of 480°C were determined using the Hot Disk TPS 2200 thermal properties analysis instrument in accordance with standard ISO 22007-2. Validation of the obtained parameters in the direct industrial environment was carried out on the basis of the measured thermal properties and the performed termotechnical calculations.
Secondary keywords: thermal properties;steel;temperature;Hot Disk method;measurment of thermal conductivity;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fak. , Odd. za materiale in metalurgijo
Pages: VI, 25 f.
ID: 10961129