magistrsko diplomsko delo


Embrionalne matične celice so posebne celice, ki se razlikujejo od drugih celic v človeškem telesu. Pod določenimi pogoji se lahko spremenijo v različne vrste celic in tkiv. Raziskave na embrionalnih matičnih celicah obljubljajo ozdravitev nekaterih hudih bolezni, vendar je za to potrebnih še veliko raziskav. Za boljše razumevanje matičnih celic so kratko predstavljene njihove biološke lastnosti. Raziskave na embrionalnih matičnih celicah so etično problematične, saj pri odvzemu takšnih celic pride do uničenja zarodka. Mednarodni dokumenti in pravne ureditve posameznih držav načeloma ne opredeljujejo pravnega statusa zarodka. Odprto ostaja vprašanje, katere pravice in pod kakšnimi pogoji zarodku sploh pripadajo. Glede na pravno ureditev raziskav na embrionalnih matičnih celicah v posameznih državah so se izoblikovale tri politike: permisivna, prožna in restriktivna. V okviru teh politik je v magistrski nalogi orisana pravna ureditev posameznih držav s poudarkom na slovenski. Pomembno vlogo na področju raziskav na embrionalnih matičnih celicah ima mednarodna skupnost, ki skrbi za etično sprejemljivo izvajanje takšnih raziskav, določene raziskave pa tudi financira. Zato so v magistrski nalogi predstavljeni tudi pomembnejši mednarodnopravni dokumenti.


embrionalne matične celice;mednarodni dokumenti;pravni status zarodka;pravna ureditev raziskav matičnih celic;Slovenija;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [N. Žveglič]
UDC: 347:61(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 16379473 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1078
Downloads: 265
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Legal aspects of stem cell research
Secondary abstract: Embryonic stem cells are special cells that differ from other kinds of cells in the human body. Under certain conditions, these cells can differentiate into diverse cell types and tissues. Research on the cells promises to treat some of the severe diseases; however a lot of research still needs to be done to achieve that. For better understanding, the thesis includes a short biological presentation of stem cells. Research on embryonic stem cells can raise ethical issues, as after removal of the stem cells from the embryo, the embryo is destroyed. International documents and law regulations of some countries in principle do not define legal status of an embryo. The question what rights do embryos have and under what conditions remains open. Based on law regulations of embryonic stem cells research in individual countries, three policy approaches were adopted: liberal, intermediate and restrictive policy. In the framework of these policies, the thesis presents legal situations of individual countries, with emphasis on Slovenian law. International community plays an important role in research on embryonic stem cells, as it provides for ethically acceptable conduct of research, which it, in some cases, also finances. The thesis therefore also includes presentation of important international law documents.
Secondary keywords: embryonic stem cells;international documents;legal status of embryo;legal regulation on stem cells research;Slovenia;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 39 f.
ID: 10962187