diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Ana Zidanšek (Author), Miroslav Žaberl (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu je predstavljen potek policijsko-tožilske preiskave. Ta preiskava poteka v predkazenskem postopku in vključuje delo policije, državnega tožilca in preiskovalnega sodnika. Predkazenski postopek temelji na delu policije in državnega tožilca. Policija je tista, ki je največkrat prva seznanjena s storitvijo kaznivega dejanja in mora ukreniti vse potrebno, da zavaruje sledi, odkrije storilca kaznivega dejanja ter doseže najvišjo stopnjo dokaznega standarda, ki omogoča kazenski postopek. Državni tožilec ali z drugimi besedami gospodar postopka usmerja in daje navodila policiji, ki mora zbrati dovolj dokazov, s katerimi državni tožilec ob koncu predkazenskega postopka odloča, kaj bo storil s kazensko ovadbo oziroma če bo nadaljeval kazenski pregon. Da so dokazi zbrani na zakonit način in da ni prišlo do kršitve temeljnih človekovih pravic in svoboščin, skrbi preiskovalni sodnik. Zadolžen je za odrejanje preiskovalnih ukrepov in prikritih preiskovalnih ukrepov, ki hujše posegajo v temeljne človekove pravice in svoboščine, odloča pa tudi o priporu. Zakonska podlaga za delo policije, državnega tožilca in preiskovalnega sodnika je Zakon o kazenskem postopku, ki prinaša kar nekaj težav pri njihovem delu. Spremembe, ki bi jih prinesla nova zakonodaja, pa so prav tako zaskrbljujoče, saj bi postopoma ukinila funkcijo preiskovalnega sodnika in njegova pooblastila prenesla na državnega tožilca in policijo. Težave pri teh spremembah predstavljajo pravice oseb v postopkih, saj bi dejanja, za katera je bil zadolžen in postavljen poseben organ, prenesli na policijo in državnega tožilca, ki imata glavno nalogo odkriti in preganjati storilce kaznivih dejanj. Spremembe zakona so dobrodošle, vendar ne smemo pozabiti na osebne pravice oseb v predkazenskem in kazenskem postopku.


diplomske naloge;predkazenski postopek;policija;državni tožilec;preiskovalni sodnik;policijske preiskave;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [A. Zidanšek]
UDC: 351.74:343.1(043.2)
COBISS: 3601386 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1188
Downloads: 282
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Police and prosecutors' investigation
Secondary abstract: In the bachelor’s thesis, the course of the police-prosecutor investigation is presented. This investigation occurs in the pre-trial investigation and includes police work and the work of the public prosecutor and the examining magistrate. The pre-trial investigation is based on police work and the work of the public prosecutor. The police are the first to be cognizant with committing the offense and have to do everything necessary to protect the leads, discover the perpetrator of the offense, and to reach the highest level of standard of proof, which enables criminal proceedings. The public prosecutor or, in other words, the master of the procedure, directs and instructs the police who have to collect enough evidence by which the public prosecutor decides what to do with the criminal complaint at the end of the procedure and whether to proceed with criminal prosecution. In order for the proofs to be collected lawfully and in a way that there are no violations of the fundamental human rights and liberties, the examining magistrate is responsible. His duties are a determination of investigating measures and undercover investigative measures which interfere with the fundamental human rights and liberties more severely. He also decides on detention. The legal foundation for the police work, the work of the public prosecutor and the examining magistrate is the Criminal Procedure Act which causes quite a few difficulties in their work. The new amendments to legislation are quite as much alarming, as they would gradually abolish the position of the examining magistrate and transfer its mandate to the public prosecutor and the police. Difficulties with regards to these amendments represent the right of persons in the procedures, as the actions for which a special body was in charge of, would be transferred to the police and the public prosecutor whose main objective is to discover and prosecute the offenders. The amendments to the law are welcome. However, we must not forget the personal rights of persons in the pre-trial investigation and in the criminal prosecution.
Secondary keywords: pre-trial investigation;police;public prosecutor;examining magistrate;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: V, 39 str.
ID: 10976713
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