(magistrsko diplomsko delo)
Lea Kremič (Author), Grega Strban (Mentor)


Ekonomija delitve ni pravno opredeljen pojem. Je krovni pojem, ki vključuje številne spletne platforme. Poleg ekonomije delitve se pojavljajo tudi drugi termini, na primer sodelovalno gospodarstvo, ''gig'' ekonomija, ''on demand'' ekonomija in platformna ekonomija. Vedno več je ljudi, ki iščejo delo preko delovnih platform, pri čemer se odpirajo številna pravna vprašanja. Raziskave kažejo, da je delo preko tovrstnih platform negotovo, zanj so značilni nizki zaslužki, udeleženci pa imajo večinoma status samozaposlenih oseb in so iz sistema socialne varnosti praviloma izključeni. Vključitev samozaposlenih oseb v sistem socialne varnosti je v državah članicah EU različna, pri čemer je majhen delež držav (med njimi je tudi Slovenija), v katerih so samozaposleni vključeni v vsa socialna zavarovanja. Tudi kadar so samozaposleni vključeni v socialna zavarovanja, je njihov dostop do pravic lahko omejen, saj sistemi socialne varnosti niso prilagojeni novejšim oblikam dela, kar še toliko bolj velja za udeležence v ekonomiji delitve. Le-ti so delovno aktivne osebe, zato bi morali biti vključeni v sistem socialne varnosti, ne glede na njihov status. Kot podlaga za socialno varnost bi se lahko upoštevalo vsako delo, ne glede na vrsto in obseg, pri čemer bi se za prispevno osnovo lahko upoštevali vsi prihodki, ne glede na njihov vir.


socialna varnost;ekonomija delitve;udeleženci;delovne platforme;negotovost;samozaposlene osebe;socialna zavarovanja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [L. Kremič]
UDC: 349.3(043.2)
COBISS: 16502865 Link will open in a new window
Views: 826
Downloads: 286
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The right to social security of participants in the sharing economy
Secondary abstract: Sharing economy is not a legally defined term. It is an umbrella term that includes many online platforms. In addition to sharing economy, other terms are also used, for example, the collaborative economy, gig economy, on demand economy and platform economy. There are more and more people looking for work through work platforms, opening up a number of legal issues. Research show that work through such platforms is uncertain, characterized by low profits. Participants are mostly self-employed and are usually excluded from the social security system. The inclusion of self-employed persons in social security systems differs in the EU Member States, with a small proportion of countries (including Slovenia) in which self-employed persons are included in all social insurance. Even when self-employed persons are included in social insurance, their access to rights can be limited, since social security systems are not adapted to newer forms of work, which is all the more true for participants in the sharing economy. They are persons in employment; therefore they should be included in the social security system, regardless of their status. Any work, regardless of its type and extent, could be taken as the basis for social security and any income, regardless of its source, could be taken into account for the contribution base.
Secondary keywords: sharing economy;participants;work platforms;uncertainty;self-employed persons;social security;social insurance;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 52 f.
ID: 10988827
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