diplomsko delo
Maja Zupančič (Author), Lea Demšar (Reviewer), Silvester Žgur (Mentor)


Transport vključuje nakladanje in razkladanje živali, prevoz živali, čakanje v klavnici ter ravnanje z živalmi in pogoje v času transporta, od klimatskih pogojev do načina vožnje in mešanja nepoznanih živali. Tekom transporta prihaja do stresnih situacij, ki imajo za posledico porabo glikogena v mišicah in vplivajo na obseg postmortalne glikolize in s tem tudi na kakovost govejega mesa. Podaljšan transport, slabi pogoji v času transporta (preveč ali premalo prostora, zelo nizke ali visoke temperature, neenakomeren način vožnje, neprimeren prostor), mešanje nepoznanih živali, temperament živali, predolgo čakanje na zakol v klavnici, nepravilno ravnanje z živalmi in še posebej kombinacije večih različnih dejavnikov, npr. mešanje nepoznanih živali, čakanje na zakol ter visoke temperature, predstavljajo za živali velik stres in imajo zelo negativne posledice za kakovost mesa in vodijo do nastanka temnega, čvrstega in suhega mesa. Bolje kot je poskrbljeno za dobro počutje živali tekom transporta, manj bo prisotnega stresa in ne bo prišlo do poslabšanja kakovosti mesa.


meso;goveje meso;kakovost mesa;transport;stres;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [M. Zupančič]
UDC: 637.5:636.2:614.96
COBISS: 5005688 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1005
Downloads: 312
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effect of cattle transport on meat quality
Secondary abstract: Animal transport includes loading and unloading, transport, waiting in the slaughter house, animal handling and conditions on the vehicle and in the slaughterhouse, from weather to driving style and mixing unknown animals. During transport animals are exposed to stress, which leads to glycogen depletion in muscle and lower the extent of postmortal glycolysis and this influence on meat quality. Prolonged transport, poor conditions during transport (to much or to little unsuitable space, very low or high temperatures, improper way of driving), mixing unknown animals, to long waiting time in slaughter house, improper handling of animals and especially combination of different factors, for example: mixing unknown animals, waiting for slaughter and high temperatures, represent for animals high level of stress and have negative consequences for meat quality and lead to dark, firm and dry beef. If the welfare of animals is ensured during transport, it will be less stressful for the animals and will not have negative consequence for meat.
Secondary keywords: meat;beef meat;meat quality;transport;stress;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za živilstvo
Pages: VI, 19 f.
ID: 10989393