diplomsko delo
Urška Končan (Author), Martina Bizjak (Reviewer), Darja Thaler (Mentor)


Uvod: Rojstvo prezgodaj rojenega otroka je stresna situacija. Mati potrebuje veliko podpore, saj je bila popolnoma nepripravljena na porod. Počuti se nemočno, krivo, ker ji ni uspelo roditi donošenega otroka. Medicinska sestra ima zelo pomembno vlogo pri psihosocialni podpori materi prezgodaj rojenega otroka. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti psihosocialno podporo medicinske sestre materi prezgodaj rojenega otroka in analizirati podatke obstoječih raziskav s področja psihosocialne pomoči materi. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela z literaturo, nastalo v časovnem obdobju med letoma 2008 in 2018, v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. V analizo je bilo vključenih dvaintrideset virov strokovne in znanstvene literature, ki smo jih pridobili s pomočjo podatkovnih baz CINAHL, Medline, Cochrane library, SocINDEX, Pubmed in Cobiss. Rezultati: Posebej je poudarjena vloga medicinske sestre v enoti intenzivne terapije, ki vključuje poleg zahtevnega dela s prezgodaj rojenim otrokom tudi zdravstveno vzgojo matere. Tako pomaga materi, ki se je znašla v stresni situaciji, jo seznanja s potrebami in značilnosti prezgodaj rojenega otroka, ji svetuje, spodbuja ter jo vključuje v postopke zdravstvene nege otroka. Razprava in sklep: Rojstvo prezgodaj rojenega otroka je začetek stresa staršev, še posebej pa matere, če je otrok prizadet ali se bori za življenje. Stres ob rojstvu prezgodaj rojenega otroka vpliva na odnos med materjo in otrokom. Zato je prvo srečanje z materjo in otrokom po porodu izrednega pomena za nadaljnjo materinsko vez. Mati potrebuje pomoč in podporo, ki ji jo v največji meri nudi medicinska sestra v času hospitalizacije in življenja kasneje v domačem okolju. Medicinska sestra jo spodbuja in ji svetuje pomoč partnerja in drugih družinskih članov. Nudi ji pomoč prek telefona v enoti intenzivne terapije in ji svetuje uporabo spleta. Materi nudi čustveno podporo in izobraževanje. Tako deluje kot družinski vzgojitelj in tudi kot skrbnik, ki ocenjuje zdravstveno stanja matere in otroka.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;nedonošenčki;starši;psihosocialna podpora;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [U. Končan]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 5542763 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2696
Downloads: 505
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Psychosocial support for mothers of premature infants
Secondary abstract: Introduction: The birth of a premature infant is a stressful situation. A mother needs a lot of support, since she was completely unprepared for childbirth. She feels helpless, guilty because she failed to give birth to a term child. A nurse offering psychosocial support to a mother of a premature infant is very important. Purpose: Present psychosocial support of the nurse to he mother of the premature infant, and to analyze the data of existing research in the field of psychosocial assistance to the mother. Methods: A descriptive method of work was used, with literature published between 2008 and 2018, in Slovenian and English. 35 professional and scientific articles were included in the analysis, indexed in CINAHL, Medline, Cochrane library, SocINDEX, Pubmed, and Cobiss databases. Results: The diploma work was particularly focused on the role of the nurse in the neonatal intensive care unit, which includes demanding work with a premature infant and the continuing health education of the mother. This helps the mother who finds herself in a stressful situation, teaches her about the needs of a premature infant, advises her, encourages her, and involves her in the process of nursing the child. Discussion and conclusion: The birth of a premature infant is the source of parental stress, especially for the mother, if the child is born with a disability or is in a life-threatening condition. Stress affects the relationship between the mother and the child. Therefore, the first meeting with the mother and the child after childbirth is of utmost importance for a further maternal bond. The mother needs help and support, which is mostly provided by the nurse, during hospitalization and in her home environment. The nurse encourages and advises her partner, other family members, works on the NICU telephone helplines, and suggests suitable online resources. The nurse gives emotional support and education, working as a family educator and guardian, assessing the health status of a mother and a child.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing care;premature infants;parents;psychosocial support;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 25 str.
ID: 10990239