magistrsko delo
Ana Ferlinc (Author), Erna Žgur (Mentor)


V prilagojenem programu za predšolske otroke se specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi srečujejo z zelo raznoliko populacijo otrok s posebnimi potrebami. Pri otrocih je med drugim lahko prisotna gibalna oviranost na kontinuumu od lažje do težke stopnje. Delo z gibalno oviranimi otroki zahteva poznavanje pravilnih položajev drže, ki so ustrezni za gibalno oviranega otroka, in pravilno ravnanje z otroki pri vsakodnevnih aktivnostih. Z ustreznim ravnanjem lahko pri gibalno oviranih otrocih zmanjšamo vpliv primitivnih refleksov, zaščitimo otroka pred nastankom deformacij, vplivamo na ustrezno napetost mišic, preprečujemo razvoj nepravilnih vzorcev gibanja in pospešimo otrokov razvoj psihomotorike. Z raziskavo smo želeli dobiti vpogled v oceno veščin ravnanja specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov ter staršev z gibalno oviranimi otroki. Prav tako smo želeli preveriti, kakšno je sodelovanje med omenjenimi strokovnjaki v povezavi s pridobivanjem informacij o ravnanju z otroki. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 64 specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov in 71 staršev gibalno oviranih otrok iz Slovenije. Rezultati so pokazali, da anketirani starši ter specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi ocenjujejo svoje veščine ravnanja z gibalno oviranimi otroki kot dobre. Oboji menijo, da dobijo dovolj informacij s strani fizioterapevta; medsebojno sodelovanje ocenjujejo kot zelo dobro. Specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi z več delovnimi izkušnjami ocenjujejo svoje veščine ravnanja z višjo povprečno oceno. Specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi v povprečju menijo, da so v okviru študijskega procesa dobili malo praktičnega in malo teoretičnega znanja o veščinah ravnanja. Na podlagi rezultatov raziskovalnega dela smo oblikovali smernice za specialno pedagoško delo na področju ravnanja z gibalno oviranimi otroki.


prilagojeni program za predšolske otroke;cerebralna paraliza;veščine ravnanja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Ferlinc]
UDC: 376:159.922.76-056.26(043.2)
COBISS: 12212041 Link will open in a new window
Views: 542
Downloads: 98
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Special education and rehabilitation teachers' and parents' handling skills with physically challenged children in daily activities
Secondary abstract: In the adapted program for pre-school children, special education and rehabilitation teachers encounter a very diverse population of children with special needs. Movement impairment on the continuum from the easier to the harder level can be present in children. Working with physically challenged children demands the knowledge of the appropriate posture positions, which are appropriate for a physically challenged child, and the appropriate handling of children in everyday activities. We can diminish the influence of primitive reflexes in physically challenged children with the appropriate handling. We can protect the child against the emergence of deformations, influence the appropriate tension of the muscles, prevent the development of irregular patterns of movement, and accelerate child’s development of psychomotor functions. By research, we wished to gain an insight into the evaluation of the special education and rehabilitation teachers' and parents' handling skills with physically challenged children. At the same time, we wished to check what the cooperation between the mentioned experts is in the connection with gaining information on handling with children. 64 special education and rehabilitation teachers and 71 parents of physically challenged children from all over Slovenia were included in the research. The results showed that the participating parents and special education and rehabilitation teachers evaluate their handling skills with physically challenged children as good. They both believe that they gain enough information from the physiotherapist. They evaluate their cooperation with the physiotherapist as very good. Special education and rehabilitation teachers with several years of working experience evaluate their skills of handling with a high average grade. Special education and rehabilitation teachers believe on the average that in the course of the studying process they gained a little bit of practical knowledge and a little bit of theoretical knowledge on handling skills. On the basis of the results of the research work, we formed some directives for special educational work in the field of handling with physically challenged children.
Secondary keywords: motor handicapped;pre-school child;gibalno ovirani;predšolski otrok;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika, Posebne razvojne in učne težave
Pages: VIII, 74 str., [5] str. pril.
ID: 10990565