magistrsko delo
Nina Strgar (Author), Bojan Dekleva (Mentor)


Iz leta v leto narašča delež starejšega prebivalstva, s tem pa narašča tudi zanimanje in ponudba za različne programe oskrbe za to populacijo. V teoretičnem delu tako najprej predstavim izbrano populacijo oziroma starost kot razvojno obdobje, njegove značilnosti ter razvojne naloge in potrebe starostnikov. V nadaljevanju se osredotočim predvsem na eno izmed višjih potreb, in sicer potrebo po osebnem medčloveškem odnosu, ki jo starostniki zadovoljujejo predvsem znotraj svoje socialne mreže. To opredelim in prikažem s pomočjo različnih avtorjev, pri tem pa razložim tudi vplive socialne mreže na življenje posameznika. V nadaljevanju teoretičnega dela s pomočjo demografskih sprememb oziroma staranjem prebivalstva pojasnim, zakaj moramo razmišljati, spoznavati in raziskovati prav to starostno obdobje ter se usmerim na Slovensko mrežo oskrbe in pomoči starejšim prebivalcem. Bolj podrobno predstavim institucionalno obliko oskrbe, kljub temu da je v tej obliki oskrbe le okoli 5 % vseh starostnikov. Na kakovostno življenje starostnikov v tej obliki oskrbe v največji meri vpliva usmerjenost ustanove, pri čemer podrobno opredelim dimenzije ter predstavim dve skrajni usmerjenosti, medicinsko in socialno. Z nastankom 4. generacije domov za starejše se že zelo dobro približujemo socialni usmerjenosti, a ta v Sloveniji še ni doživela pomembnega razcveta. Pod 4. generacijo domov se uvrščajo tudi družinski domovi, ki se na Hrvaškem zadnjih nekaj let vztrajno širijo. Tovrstne domove predstavim skozi zakonodajo in druge redke vire. Ker pa v Sloveniji o družinskih domovih ne vemo veliko, sama zakonodaja pa ne podaja informacij o samem življenju v teh domovih, v empiričnem delu predstavim prav to z vidika petih intervjuvancev, ki trenutno bivajo v treh različnih družinskih domovih na Hrvaškem. Zajela sem vzorec petih slovenskih starostnikov, od tega 2 moška in 3 ženske, ki trenutno bivajo v družinskih domovih na Hrvaškem, vsi pa imajo tudi izkušnjo bivanja v klasičnih domovih. Skozi intervjuje sem želela spoznati, kakšna je kvaliteta življenja in bivanja v družinskih domovih, kako je poskrbljeno za potrebe starostnikov, kakšna je atmosfera ter kakšni so odnosi med različnimi akterji. Z raziskavo sem ugotovila, da kljub temu da se družinski domovi zelo dobro približujejo principom četrte generacije, predvsem s svojo lokacijo, z majhnostjo in s stalnostjo osebja, pa nekateri še vedno ne vključujejo bistvenih značilnosti te generacije domov. Glede na ime, torej družinski domovi, bi se morali bistveno bolj zgledovati po življenju v družini, kar pa v obravnavanih domovih ni prisotno. V družinah starostniki ne bi smeli čutiti ločenosti in distance od preostalih članov, torej v tem primeru osebja. Prav tako bi jih morali domovi bistveno bolj vključevati v aktivnosti, kot je na primer pomoč v gospodinjstvu. Tudi v teh domovih še vedno prevladuje medicinsko osebje, kar je seveda povsem jasno, saj v domovih bivajo ljudje z različnimi medicinskimi težavami. Kljub temu pa to ne bi smel biti razlog za rutinsko ravnanje osebja. Eden od treh domov je glede odnosov v domu naprednejši in je dober primer približevanja socialni usmerjenosti, kljub temu pa je to še vedno preveč odvisno od same osebnosti zaposlenih.


staranje;starostniki;potrebe starostnikov;socialna podpora;institucionalno varstvo;družinski domovi;usmerjenost domov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Strgar]
UDC: 364.4-053.9(043.2)
COBISS: 12213833 Link will open in a new window
Views: 440
Downloads: 72
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Social inclusion and support to elderly people in family homes for elderly throughout Croatia
Secondary abstract: The proportion of elderly population is growing with each year, and so are the interests and offers for various care programmes of this specific population. In the theoretical part, I start by presenting the elderly, more specifically the age as a developmental period, its characteristics and also development tasks and needs of the elderly. From here on, I focus primarily on one of the higher needs, the need for personal human relations, which the targeted population mainly satisfy within their social network. The latter is defined and illustrated with the help of numerous authors. I also explain the effects of the social network on the life of an individual. I continue by explaining why we must explore, think and learn more about this specific age group with the help of demographic changes or aging of this particular population. I focus on the Slovene network of care of the elderly. I present the institutional form of care in detail, even though only about 5 % of all elderly are a part of it. The quality of life of the people in this kind of care is mainly affected by the institution's orientation. Here I explicitly define the dimensions and present two extreme orientations: medical and social. With the emergence of the fourth generation homes for the elderly, we have already been getting very close to social orientation, which has not reached an important bloom in Slovenia yet. Family homes are also classified under the fourth generation of homes. They have been persistently expanding in Croatia for the past few years. I introduce them through legislation and other rare sources. In Slovenia there is not much known about family homes and the legislation does not provide information about the life itself in these homes. Therefore, in the empirical part, I present the latter from the point of view of five interviewees who are currently living in three different family homes in Croatia. I gathered a sample of five Slovene elderly people living in Croatian family homes. Two representatives were male and three female. All of them have also lived in classical homes. By conducting interviews, I wanted to learn about the quality of life and living in family homes, how the needs of the elderly are being met, what is the atmosphere like and the nature of relations among different agents. I have learnt that despite the fact that family homes are getting positively close to the fourth generation principles, mainly due to their location, smallness and permanence of the staff, some still do not include the essential characteristics of this generation's homes. In reference to the name – family homes, they ought to look up to the life in a family significantly more, which in the homes included in this research, is not present. The elderly should not feel separation and distance from other members, in this case, the personnel. They should also include them in activities, such as household assistance much more. Medical personnel is still in the majority, which is understandable, given the fact that the people living in these homes have various medical conditions. Nevertheless, this should not be the reason for routine treatment. One of three homes is advanced in this particular aspect and is considered as a good example of approaching social orientation, but this still too much depends on the personality of the personnel.
Secondary keywords: elderly person;starejša oseba;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 74 str.
ID: 10990566