diplomsko delo
Otrokova primarna potreba in prvinska komunikacija je gib. Odrasli mu moramo omogočiti čim več zanimivih spodbud, da se lahko otrok skozi gib izraža, raziskuje, odkriva, se potrjuje, celostno razvija, gradi pozitivne medsebojne odnose in da vse to doživi kot igro. Pri tem jim moramo pustiti svobodo, da lahko razvijajo svojo neomejeno domišljijo in ustvarjalnost.
V diplomskem delu sem želela raziskati meni nov način dela v vrtcu, njegovo uporabnost pri delu z otroki in pozitivne učinke, ki jih prinaša. V teoretičnem delu sem se osredotočila na opredelitev ustvarjalnega giba, cilje le-tega, pomen plesa za otrokov celostni razvoj ter prvine plesne vzgoje do tretjega leta starosti. Opisala sem tudi elemente in metode plesa, spodbude, ki nam lahko pomagajo pri delu, kako lahko povežemo ples z drugimi področji kurikuluma, predvsem z naravo, in kakšen vpliv ima sproščanje na otroke ter zakaj je pomemben element v našem vsakdanjem življenju.
V empiričnem delu predstavljam proces izvajanja plesnih dejavnosti z dve do tri leta starimi otroki iz skupine Žoge v vrtcu Šentvid, enota Mravljinček. Skupaj smo izvedli enajst plesnih dejavnosti, ob katerih smo spoznavali naravo, vremenske pojave, spremembe v okolju, živali in njihovo gibanje. Spodbude sem črpala iz literature in izhajala iz otrok, ki so bili v procesu aktivni udeleženci. Izražali so se skozi gib in ponazarjali gibe, pri čemer so bili svobodni in so se lahko prepustili svoji domišljiji. Pri tem so razvijali svojo ustvarjalnost, izvirnost, krepili medsebojne odnose ter samozavest in preko igre spoznali veliko novega.
Med izvajanjem tovrstnih dejavnosti sem videla močno potrebo otrok po svobodi, uveljavljanju lastne domišljije in ustvarjanju, ki so jo kazali z navdušenjem in radovednostjo pred vsako dejavnostjo.
ustvarjalni gib;ustvarjalnost;gibanje;vrtec;narava;svoboda;igra;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2018 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[E. Brajer] |
UDC: |
373.2(043.2) |
Views: |
544 |
Downloads: |
72 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Nature as a stimulus for danes – the integration of creative movement into the first age period |
Secondary abstract: |
Child’s primary need and primal communication is the move. The adults have to enable as many interesting incentives as possible for the child to express, research, discover, validate, develop integrally, build positive mutual relations, and experience all that as a play, through the move. In the process, we have to let them the freedom to develop their unlimited imagination and creativity.
In the bachelor’s thesis, I wished to research a method of work in the kindergarten which was new to me, its usefulness with children, and positive effects which it brings. In the theoretical part, I focused on the definition of the creative move, its goals and the significance of dance for the child’s integral development, and the elements of dance education until the age of three. I also described the elements and methods of dance, incentives which can help us at work, how we can connect dance with other fields of the curriculum, mostly nature, and what influence relaxation has on children and why it is an important element in our everyday life.
In the empirical part, I present the process of performing the dancing activities with two to three years old children from the group Balls in the Šentvid Kindergarten, the unit Little Ant. Together, we performed eleven dancing activities where we were learning about nature, weather phenomena, changes in the environment, and animals and their movement. I drew the incentives from the literature and derived from the children who were active participants in the process. They expressed themselves through movement and represented the moves where they were free and left to their imagination. In the process, they developed their own creativity, originality, strengthened mutual relationships and their confidence and learned a lot of new things while playing.
During the performance of such activities, I noticed a strong need for freedom among children and asserting their own imagination and creativity which they showed with enthusiasm and curiosity before every activity. |
Secondary keywords: |
pre-school child;dance;predšolski otrok;ples; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja |
Pages: |
50 str. |
ID: |
10990570 |