magistrsko delo
Ana Kovačič (Author), Maja Umek (Mentor)


Učenci tujci predstavljajo velik izziv slovenskemu vzgojno-izobraževalnemu sistemu in učiteljem oziroma vsem pedagoškim delavcem, ki sodelujejo z njimi. V magistrskem delu obravnavam prilagoditve pouka družboslovja za učence, ki imajo težave z razumevanjem slovenščine. To so učenci, ki jim je slovenščina drugi jezik. V teoretičnem delu sem preučila vključevanje učencev tujcev v slovenski vzgojno-izobraževalni sistem, kako je to opredeljeno v zakonodaji, kako poteka program Uspešno vključevanje otrok priseljencev, katere so težave pri vključevanju učencev tujcev, kako se s tem soočajo v drugih državah ter kako poteka učenje drugega jezika oziroma jezika okolja. Preučila sem tudi oblike, metode in pristope učenja in poučevanja pri družboslovju, ki sem jih na podlagi lastnega razmisleka razdelila na bolj in manj primerne za učence tujce. V raziskavo, ki je predstavljena v empiričnem delu, sem vključila učenca tujca in učiteljici, ki sta ga poučevali v času opazovanja (v 2. in 4. razredu). Podatke sem zbirala z opazovanjem z udeležbo pri pouku v 2. razredu in s polstrukturiranim opazovanjem v 4. razredu ter s polstrukturiranimi intervjuji učenca in učiteljic v 2. in 4. razredu. Analiza podatkov je narejena na podlagi postavljenih raziskovalnih vprašanj in s pridobljenimi podatki zaokrožena v smiselno celoto. Ugotovila sem, da je učiteljica na začetku šolanja učenca tujca največkrat uporabljala njegov materni jezik in druge vrste pomoči. V 3. letu šolanja učenca tujca v slovenščini uporabe maternega jezika s strani učiteljice ni bilo, saj je učenec zelo napredoval v razumevanju slovenščine. V času opazovanja si je učenec veliko pomagal z zgledom (npr. kako je posamezni primer pri matematiki rešen na tabli ali v učbeniku, mu je olajšalo reševanje naslednjih primerov). V 4. razredu je bil učenec največkrat deležen drugih vrst pomoči, kot so spodbujanje, pomoč pri lastnem pregledovanju nalog, izdelkov ipd. Med opazovanjem v obeh razredih sem bila pozorna tudi na težave, ki so se pojavljale med poukom. V 2. razredu sem opazila težave z motivacijo in jezikom. V 4. razredu pa so se pojavile še druge težave, kot so grdo pisanje in orientacija na papirju.


družboslovje;pouk spoznavanja okolja in družbe;poučevanje;učenci tujci;pomoč;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Kovačič]
UDC: 373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 12235337 Link will open in a new window
Views: 490
Downloads: 79
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Adjustments of social science for students, who have difficulties with understanding Slovene language
Secondary abstract: Pupils foreigners pose a big challenge to the Slovenian educational system, teachers and all other pedagogical workers who work with them. In the master's thesis I discuss adaptation of teaching social science for pupils who experience difficulty understanding the Slovene language. For these pupils Slovene is their second language. The theoretical part refers to the integration of pupils foreigners into the Slovenian educational system, the way it is defined in the legislation, how the programme Successful integration of immigrant children is being implemented, which difficulties arise with the integration of pupils foreigners, how this is dealt with in other countries, and how learning of the second language or language of the environment is proceeding. I also studied forms, methods and approaches of learning and teaching social science, which I classified on the basis of my own reflection into more and less suitable for pupils foreigners. The research, which is presented in the empirical part, includes a pupil foreigner and two teachers who taught him during the observation time (in the 2nd and 4th grade). The data were collected by observation of classroom lessons in the 2nd grade, and with semi-structured observation in the 4th grade, as well as with semi-structured interviews of the pupil and teachers in the 2nd and 4th grade. Data analysis is made on the basis of set research questions, and is with the data collected rounded up into a meaningful whole. I found out that the teacher mostly used the pupil’s mother tongue and other types of help at the beginning of his education. In the 3rd year of pupil’s education in Slovene his mother tongue was not used anymore by the teacher, since the pupil foreigner showed great progress in understanding Slovene. During the observation the pupil helped himself a lot with following the example (e.g. the way a particular mathematical problem was solved on the board or in the textbook made it possible for him to solve following problems). In the 4th grade the pupil was most of the time offered other types of help, such as encouragement, help with self-review of tasks and products, etc. During the observation in both grades I also paid attention to problems which occurred during the lesson. In the 2nd grade lack of motivation and some problems with the language were noticed. In the 4th grade, however, some other problems appeared, for example bad handwriting and orientation on the paper.
Secondary keywords: primary education;child of foreign national;osnovnošolski pouk;otrok druge nacionalnosti;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Poučevanje na razredni stopnji
Pages: 66 str., [8] str. pril.
ID: 10991909