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Jerica Žagar (Author), Simona Strgulc-Krajšek (Reviewer), Jelka Strgar (Mentor), Jelka Strgar (Thesis defence commission member), Simona Strgulc-Krajšek (Thesis defence commission member), Iztok Tomažič (Thesis defence commission member)


V sodobnem šolstvu vse pogosteje naletimo na programe in dejavnosti, ki v proces učenja vključujejo tudi šolski vrt. Šolski vrtovi imajo po mnenju številnih avtorjev mnoge pozitivne učinke, kljub temu pa se šole pogosto srečujejo s številnimi ovirami ob oblikovanju šolskega vrta. V želji, da razrešimo vsaj nekatere težave, povezane z ustanovitvijo in vzdrževanjem šolskega vrta, nas je zanimalo, koliko zanimanja za delo na šolskem vrtu imajo učenci ter kakšna so njihova stališča do biologije in določenih tem z rastlinsko tematiko. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 387 učencev 6., 7., 8. in 9. razreda osnovnih šol iz Ljubljane in Škofje Loke. Med učence smo razdelili anonimne vprašalnike s tremi vsebinskimi sklopi vprašanj (zanimanje za rastlinske teme, zanimanje za delo na šolskem vrtu, odnos učencev do pouka biologije oziroma naravoslovja). Odgovore enega sklopa smo obdelali z osnovno statistično analizo, vprašanja dveh sklopov pa s faktorsko analizo. Med odgovori učencev različnega spola, razreda in kraja šolanja so bile večinoma statistično pomembne razlike. Pokazale so se tudi srednje močne do močne korelacije med dobljenimi faktorji, kar pomeni, da obstaja povezava med zanimanjem za biologijo in za posamezne rastlinske skupine, ki jih je mogoče poučevati v šolskem vrtu. Na temelju odgovorov učencev in učnih načrtov za biologijo in naravoslovje za slovenske šole lahko zaključimo, da bi z ustreznim projektiranjem lahko oblikovali šolski vrt, ki bi bil enostaven za vzdrževanje, zanimiv za učence in uporaben za pouk biologije in naravoslovja.


biologija;šolski vrt;pouk;zanimanje učencev;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [J. Žagar]
UDC: 373.3:57(043.2)
COBISS: 4969551 Link will open in a new window
Views: 874
Downloads: 264
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Examples of a school garden use in biology class in the primary school
Secondary abstract: In modern education, we increasingly encounter programs and activities that include a school garden in the process of learning. According to many authors, school gardens have many positive effects, but nevertheless, schools often encounter numerous obstacles when designing a school garden. In order to solve at least some of the problems associated with the establishment and maintenance of a school garden, we were exploring how much interest in working in a school garden students have and what are their attitudes to biology and specific topics related to plants. There were 387 6th to 9th graders from schools in Ljubljana and Škofja Loka participating in the survey. Anonymous questionnaires with three sets of questions (interest in plant related themes, interest in school garden work, attitudes to biology or science lessons) were distributed among the students. The answers to one set of questions were processed with basic statistical analysis, and the other two sets of questions were analyzed by factor analysis. The answers of students of different sexes, classes and places of education mostly showed statistically significant differences. Also medium-to-strong correlations between the obtained factors were shown, which means that there is a connection between interest in biology and individual plant groups that can be taught in a school garden. Based on the students’ answers and the curricula for biology and science in Slovene schools, we can conclude that with proper designing it would be possible to create a school garden that would be easy to maintain, interesting for students and useful in teaching biology and science.
Secondary keywords: biology;school garden;curriculum;students interests;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Biotehniška fak.
Pages: IX f., 68 str., [12] str.
ID: 11004708