doktorska disertacija
Osrednji namen doktorske disertacije je bil raziskati odnos vzgojiteljic in vzgojiteljev (v nadaljevanju vzgojiteljev) do njihove lastne avtonomije in posledično, kako avtonomen vzgojitelj spodbuja razvoj avtonomije pri otrocih v vrtcu. Spodbujanje avtonomije otrok v vrtcu naj bi prispevalo k pozitivnim učinkom avtonomije posameznika v kasnejšem obdobju in temelji na predpostavki, da obstaja razmerje med avtonomijo otrok in avtonomijo vzgojiteljev. Spodbujanje avtonomije otrok v vrtcu nas je zanimalo le iz odnosnega in didaktičnega vidika (npr. možnost izbire, participacija otrok pri učenju). Z analizo dostopne literature smo raziskali dejavnike, ki vplivajo na avtonomno delovanje vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok, in dejavnike, ki sovplivajo na razvoj avtonomije pri predšolskih otrocih. Z empirično kvantitativno raziskavo smo raziskali odnos vzgojiteljev do njihove avtonomije in ugotavljali, kako avtonomen vzgojitelj predšolskih otrok spodbuja razvoj avtonomije pri otrocih, vključenih v slovenske vrtce. Zanimale so nas morebitne povezave med pozitivnim odnosom vzgojiteljev do njihove strokovne avtonomije in večjo stopnjo spodbujanja avtonomije pri otrocih. Ker koncept spodbujanja avtonomije otrok v vrtcu temelji na predpostavki, da stopnja strokovne avtonomije vzgojitelja vpliva na spodbujanje avtonomije pri predšolskih otrocih, smo analizirali pogoje, prednosti in pomanjkljivosti spodbujanja avtonomije pri otrocih in avtonomije vzgojiteljev ter pripravili nabor predlogov, ki bi lahko vplivali na dobro prakso vzgojiteljev.
V empirični raziskavi smo ugotovili, da ima večina vzgojiteljev pozitiven odnos do svoje strokovne avtonomije. Znotraj različnih strokovnih nazivov vzgojiteljev in različne delovne dobe vzgojiteljev so statistično pomembne razlike glede odnosa do svoje strokovne avtonomije. Ugotovili smo, da je odnos vzgojiteljev do lastne avtonomije povezan z večjim spodbujanjem avtonomije otrok. Višja je bila stopnja spodbujanja avtonomije otrok, manj je bil odnos vzgojiteljev do njihove lastne strokovne avtonomije negativen. Ugotovili smo, da pozitiven odnos vzgojiteljev do njihove strokovne avtonomije ugodno vpliva na odnosni in didaktični vidik spodbujanja avtonomije pri otrocih. Pozitiven odnos vzgojiteljev do lastne strokovne avtonomije je eden od dejavnikov spodbujanja avtonomije pri otrocih. Tako smo na področju predšolske vzgoje potrdili enega od dejavnikov spodbujanja avtonomije otrok in z naborom predlogov za spodbujanje avtonomije otrok posredno prispevali k izboljšanju predšolske vzgoje na procesni ravni.
avtonomija vzgojiteljic in vzgojiteljev;odnos vzgojiteljic in vzgojiteljev do avtonomije;spodbujanje avtonomije otrok;dejavniki avtonomije;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2019 |
Typology: |
2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation |
Organization: |
UL PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[I. Janžekovič Žmauc] |
UDC: |
373.2(043.2) |
Views: |
696 |
Downloads: |
128 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Preschool teachers' attitudes towards their professional autonomy and towards promoting children's autonomy in kindergartens |
Secondary abstract: |
The main purpose of the doctoral dissertation was to research the attitude of preschool teachers to their own autonomy and, consequently, how an autonomous preschool teacher encourages the development of autonomy in preschool children. Promoting children’s autonomy in kindergarten is believed to have a positive effect on individuals’ autonomy in later stages and is based on the assumption that there is a relationship between a child's autonomy and the autonomy of his/her preschool teacher. Promoting children’s autonomy in kindergarten was the main focus only from the relational and didactic aspects (e. g. making choices, children’s participation in learning). By analysis of accessible literature, we have explored the factors that influence autonomous functioning of preschool teachers and the factors that partly influence the development of preschool children’s autonomy. By empirical quantitative research, we have been studied preschool teachers’ attitude to their autonomy and discover how autonomous preschool teachers stimulate the development of autonomy in children enrolled in Slovenian kindergartens. We have been interested in the possible correlations between preschool teachers’ positive attitude towards their professional autonomy and a greater degree of promoting children’s autonomy. Since the concept of promoting children’s autonomy in kindergarten is based on the assumption that the level of preschool teachers’ professional autonomy affects the promotion of preschool children’s autonomy, we have analysed the conditions, advantages and disadvantages of promoting children’s autonomy and the autonomy of preschool teachers, and prepared a set of proposals that could contribute to preschool teachers’ good practices.
In the empirical research, we determined that most preschool teachers have a positive attitude towards their professional autonomy. However, within the various professional ranks and different lengths of work experience of preschool teachers, there are statistically significant differences in their attitude to professional autonomy. We discovered that preschool teachers’ attitude to their own autonomy is correlated to a greater promotion of children’s autonomy. The higher is the level of promoting children’s autonomy, the less negative is the preschool teachers’ attitude to their professional autonomy. We also discovered that preschool teachers’ positive attitude to their professional autonomy has a beneficial effect on the relational and didactic aspects of promoting children’s autonomy. A positive attitude of preschool teachers towards their own professional autonomy is one of the factors that stimulate promotion of children’s autonomy.
In the area of preschool education, we have confirmed one of the factors for promoting children’s autonomy and have made indirect contribution to the improvement of preschool education at the procedural level with a set of proposals to promote children’s autonomy. |
Secondary keywords: |
nursery school;autonomy;vrtec;avtonomija; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Doctoral dissertation |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak. |
Pages: |
XII, 330 str. |
ID: |
11048378 |