diplomsko delo
Žan Brecelj (Author), Aljoša Dežman (Mentor)


To diplomsko delo obravnava pojem pridržka javnega reda v celoti. Javni red je zelo pomemben del mednarodnega zasebnega prava, ki ga lahko najdemo v pravnih sistemih vseh svetovnih držav. Države lahko z njim zavarujejo najbolj temeljna načela njihovih nacionalnih pravnih redov. Njegova uporaba pa mora biti omejena, še posebno v okviru mednarodnih organizacij, kot je Evropska unija, da bi se preprečila njegova zloraba in spodbudilo sodelovanje med državami na področju priznavanja in izvrševanja tujih odločb. Zato je tudi pomembno, da ga sodišča pravilno interpretirajo in uporabljajo v njihovih odločitvah. Delo najprej analizira zgodovinski razvoj javnega reda ter vodilne teorije o njegovi razlagi. Našteje in opiše tudi njegove različne vrste. Pri tem pa poudari materialni, procesni, domači in mednarodni javni red. Natančno našteje tudi elemente, ki ga sestavljajo, in pravila, ki jih sodišča morajo upoštevati pri njegovi pravilni uporabi. Velik del diplomskega dela se osredotoča na implementacijo javnega reda v Republiki Sloveniji, Evropski uniji ter v okviru mednarodne arbitraže.Predstavljene so najbolj ključne sodne odločbe Vrhovnega sodišča Republike Slovenije in sodne odločbe Sodišča Evropske unije. Sodbe Sodišča Evropske unije so oblikovale posebne kriterije pri uporabi javnega reda, ki se jih države članice morajo držati.V delu pa se tudi razpravlja o obstoju "pravega" mednarodnega javnega reda.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [Ž. Brecelj]
UDC: 341.9:347.9(043.2)
COBISS: 2053215670 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: This diploma thesis deals with the notion of public policy as a whole. Public policy is an important part of international private law that can be found in the legal systems of all countries in the world. Countries can use it to safeguard the most fundamental principles of their national legal orders. Its use must however be limited, especially in the frameworks of international organizations like the European union, to prevent its abuse and encourage cooperation between countries in the field of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements. It is therefore important that courts interpret and use it in their judgements correctly. First, the thesis analyses the historical development of public policy and the leading theories of its interpretation. It also lists and describes its different types. It emphasizes substantive, procedural, national and international public policy. It also precisely lists all the elements it consists of, and the rules courts must obey when correctly using it.A big part of the diploma thesis focuses on the implementation of public policy in the Republic of Slovenia, European union and framework of international arbitration. The most crucial decisions of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia and European Court of Justice are presented. The judgements of the European Court of Justice formulated special criteriafor the use of public policy that member countries must follow. The thesis also discusses the existance of "true" international public policy.
Secondary keywords: Mednarodno zasebno pravo;Diplomske naloge;Sodna praksa;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: IV, 70 str.
ID: 11157346