diplomsko delo
Anja Đuragič (Avtor), Aljoša Dežman (Mentor)


Začasne odredbe za zavarovanje nedenarnih terjatev so zavarovalne in regulacijske. Materialnopravni pogoji, ki morajo biti izpolnjeni, pa so zakonsko in nezakonsko določeni. Splošni režim zavarovanja nedenarnih terjatev z začasno odredbo ureja Zakon o izvršbi in zavarovanju, ki pa instituta ne ureja celostno. Bistveno je vanj posegla odločba Ustavnega sodišča Up-275/97. Omogočila je izdajo regulacijskih začasnih odredb, tudi tistih, katerih zahtevek je identičen tožbenemu zahtevku. Za presojo obstoja pogojev je predpisalo restriktiven pristop. Prvi pogoj, ki ga predpisuje zakon in ga je vedno treba (s stopnjo verjetnosti) izkazati, je, da terjatev obstaja ali da še bo nastala. Izkazati je treba še eno izmed treh alternativno določenih predpostavk, ki jih zakon taksativno našteva. Predpostavke so: nevarnost, da bo uveljavitev terjatve onemogočena ali močno otežena, da je odredba potrebna, da se prepreči uporaba sile ali težko nadomestljive škode, in da dolžnik z izdajo začasne odredbe, ki bi se izkazala za neupravičeno, ne bi utrpel večje škode od škode, ki bi zaradi neizdaje začasne odredbe nastala upniku. Nezakonski pogoji pa so reverzibilnost in nujnost da se zagotovi učinkovitost sodnega varstva. Poleg splošne ureditve institut ureja še vrsto posebnih področnih zakonov. Materialnopravne pogoje za izdajo začasnih odredb za zavarovanje pravic industrijske lastnine (patent, model, znamka, registrirana geografska označba) ureja Zakon o industrijski lastnini. Bistvena razlika je v tem, da mora predlagatelj za začasno zavarovanje pravic intelektualne lastnine izkazati, da je imetnik te pravice in je bila njegova pravica kršena ali pa grozi dejanska nevarnost, da bo kršena.

Ključne besede

začasna odredba;zavarovanje nedenarnih terjatev;regulacijska začasna odredba;pravice industrijske lastnine;materialnopravni pogoji;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: EVRO-PF - Evropska pravna fakulteta v Novi Gorici
Založnik: [A. Đuragič]
UDK: 347(043.2)
COBISS: 2048011748 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 12
Št. prenosov: 1
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: Interim measures for securing of non-pecuniary claims serve for insurance and regulating purposes. The substantive conditions, which must be met, are statutory or determined outside the law. The general regime of securing of non-pecuniary with an interim measure is regulated by the Claim Enforcement and Security Act, which, however, does not regulate this concept comprehensively. A significant intervention into it represented the constitutional court decision Up-275/97. It enabled issuing of regulating interim measures, including those, which claim is identical to the lawsuit claim. For the assessment of the existence of the conditions, it prescribed a restrictive approach. The first condition, required under the law, which has always to be demonstrated (with a degree of likelihood), is that the claim exist or is to be made. In addition, the existence of one of the three alternatively set preconditions, which the law lists exhaustively, has to be proven. These preconditions are: risk that the enforcement of the claim will be rendered impossible or excessively difficult, that the measure is necessary to prevent the use of force or the causing of damage difficult to indemnify and that with the issuing of the interim measure, which would prove to be unjustified, the debtor would not suffer a greater damage than the damage the creditor would suffer, if the interim measure would not be issued. The conditions that are not statutory are the condition of reversibility, and that the issuing of regulating interim measure must be necessary to ensure the efficiency of judicial protection. In addition to the general regulation, this legal concept also regulates a whole set of special sectoral laws. The substantive conditions for issuing of interim measures for securing industrial property rights (patent, model, brand, registered geographical indication) are regulated by the Industrial Property Act. The main difference is that that the interim insurance of industrial property rights demands the applicant to demonstrate that he is the owner of this rights and that his right has been violated or is threatened to be violated.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Civilno pravo;Diplomske naloge;Sodna praksa;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Delo zaključne refleksije študija
Komentar na gradivo: Evropska pravna fak.
Komentar vira: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 16. 10. 2019;
Strani: V, 52 str.
ID: 11268586