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Pavel Tomšič (Author), Jože Duhovnik (Mentor)


Delo obravnava področje optimizacije jeklenih paličnih konstrukcij z implementacijo topološke evolucijske konstrukcijske optimizacije. V delu je celovito obravnavan problem konstruiranja, pri čemer najprej z uporabo lastno izdelanega predprocesorja določimo osnovno konstrukcijo oziroma začetno konstrukcijsko območje, znotraj katerega nato z optimizacijsko metodo iščemo optimalno porazdelitev in velikosti elementov. Predprocesor predstavlja implementacijo ekspertnega sistema in njenega razvoja ocene inženirsko sprejemljive začetne konstrukcije ob upoštevanju vplivov obremenitev okolice na zasnovo konstrukcije. Z njegovo uporabo se določi konstrukcijsko območje, ki je v primeru obravnave stolpov omejeno z gabaritnimi merami. Začetna porazdelitev elementov znotraj območja je določena glede na višinski razrez konstrukcije in je odvisna od obremenitvenega stanja. Z optimizacijskim pristopom se zagotovi ustrezna razporeditev in velikost elementov v notranjosti konstrukcije. Lastno razvit računalniški program omogoča numerično analizo, optimizacijo in 3D vizualizacijo topološko optimirane palične konstrukcije.


disertacije;jeklene konstrukcije;paličje;optimizacija;metoda končnih elementov;stebri;topologija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [P. Tomšič]
UDC: 004.925.84:519.62:624.014.2(043.3)
COBISS: 300835072 Link will open in a new window
Views: 983
Downloads: 259
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Topology optimization of steel lattice structures using a evolutionary algorithm
Secondary abstract: The presented work deals with the field of optimization of steel bar towers with the use of topological evolutionary structural optimization. The problem is fully addressed in the work, first using the pre-processor for determining the basic construction or the initial design space, within which the proposed optimization method is then used to search for the optimal distribution in the size of the elements. The pre-processor represents the implementation of an expert system and its development of the assessment of an engineering - acceptable initial construction, taking into account the impacts of the environmental loads on the design. Its use determines the design area, which, in the case of columns handling is limited by basis dimensions. The initial distribution of elements within the tower is determined according to the altitudinal cuts of the structure, which depend upon the loading. The optimization approach ensures the appropriate distribution of size of the elements inside the structure. Own developed computer program enables numerical analysis, optimization, and 3D visualization of topologically optimized steel bar towers.
Secondary keywords: dissertations;steel constructions;beams;optimization;finite element method;columns;topology;Jeklene konstrukcije;Disertacije;Paličje;Optimizacija;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: XXVI, 192 str.
ID: 11159366