diplomsko delo
Maja Ercegovac (Author), Urška Tuškej (Mentor)


Sponzorstva znotraj tržnokomunikacijskega spleta vedno bolj pridobivajo pomen. Med njimi najbolj izstopajo športna sponzorstva, v katera podjetja vlagajo tudi največje količine denarja. Sponzorstva so za organizacije pomembna predvsem zato, ker jim omogočajo doseganje različnih korporativnih ciljev, eden izmed ključnih je izboljšanje zaznane podobe podjetja. Za preučevanje tega področja so bili uporabljeni številni pogledi, v nalogi pa so natančneje predstavljeni trije – model prenosa pomenov, teorija skladnosti in hipoteza ujemanja, ki z različnimi poudarki omogočajo natančen vpogled v delovanje sponzorstev in njihovega vpliva na podobo podjetja. Raziskave na tem področju so pokazale, da je eden izmed ključnih dejavnikov za doseganje učinkovitosti sponzorstev medsebojna skladnost entitet, ki v njem sodelujejo, torej skladnost med sponzorjem, sponzorirancem in potrošnikom. Iz tega razloga sem se v lastni kvantitativni raziskavi osredotočila predvsem na preučevanje vpliva medsebojnih skladnosti entitet znotraj športnih sponzorstev na podobo podjetja. Empirični del diplomske naloge, ki temelji na izvedeni lastni raziskavi, je pokazal, da medsebojne skladnosti sponzorja, sponzoriranca in potrošnika v športnih sponzorstvih pozitivno vplivajo na imidž sponzorja.


športna sponzorstva;imidž sponzorja;skladnost;Šport;Sponzorstvo;Tržno komuniciranje;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [M. Ercegovac]
UDC: 005.57:796.078(043.3)
COBISS: 36283229 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1102
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The impact of congruity between sponsor, sponsee and consumer on image of the sponsor
Secondary abstract: Sponsorships are increasingly gaining importance within the marketing communication mix. The ones that stand out the most among them are sports sponsorships, in which companies invest the largest amounts of money. Sponsorships are important for organizations because they allow them to achieve diverse corporate goals, one of the most important among them is improving the perceived image of the company. A number of theories have been used to study this field. In this dissertation, three of them are presented – the meaning transfer model, the congruity theory and the match-up hypothesis. Based on different emphasis of each of them, they enable accurate insight into the operation of sponsorships and their influence on the image of the company. Research in this area has shown that one of the key factors for achieving effectiveness of sponsorships is the congruity between the entities involved in it, that is, congruity between sponsor, sponsee and consumer. For this reason, the focus of my quantitative research was primarily on studying the impact of congruity between entities in sport sponsorships on the image of the company. The empirical part of the diploma thesis, which is based on the conducted research, showed that congruity of sponsor, sponsee and consumer in sports sponsorships positively influence the image of the sponsor.
Secondary keywords: Sport;Sponsorship;Marketing communication;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 56 str.
ID: 11164515