magistrsko delo
Sergeja Štiberc (Author), Branko Lobnikar (Mentor), Srečko Krope (Co-mentor)


Bistvo naloge je ugotoviti usposobljenost policistov za delo z gluhimi in naglušnimi osebami v Mariboru. Pri tem so na začetku naloge obravnavani različni temeljni pojmi in zakonodaja, brez katere policisti ne morejo in ne smejo delovati. V teoriji smo predstavili dva temeljna pojma, in sicer pojma gluhost in naglušnost. Prav tako je predstavljen slovenski znakovni jezik, ki je za nekatere od teh ljudi materni jezik. Naloga se nadaljuje s samim bistvom, in sicer z ugotavljanjem usposobljenosti policistov za delo s takšnimi ljudmi. Teoretični del je uvod v glavni del magistrske naloge, kjer smo s pomočjo standardiziranega anketnega vprašalnika ugotavljali usposobljenost policistov iz območja Maribora za delo z gluhimi in naglušnimi osebami. Hkrati smo izvedli anketiranje na samem Društvu gluhih in naglušnih Podravja Maribor, saj smo želeli predstaviti tudi njihov pogled na delo policistov, bodisi v postopkih bodisi kot splošna ocena njihovega dela. Ob tem so predstavljeni trije projekti, ki so jih ob sodelovanju Zveze društev gluhih in naglušnih Slovenije in Policije izvedli na tem področju. Policija je ob sodelovanju Zveze društev gluhih in naglušnih Slovenije v letu 2017 predstavila projekt, s katerim so omogočili dostopnost informacij s spletne strani Policije za gluhe in naglušne osebe. Vsebino so tako s pomočjo strokovnjakov za slovenski znakovni jezik prevedli in opremili z video vsebino. Hkrati lahko poudarimo tudi možnost »klicanja« na interventno številko 112 in 113. Možnost »klicanja« so v letu 2012 nadomestili s pošiljanjem SMS sporočil. Kmalu pa lahko pričakujemo tudi spremembo slovenske ustave, ki bo omogočila vključitev slovenskega znakovnega jezika med uradne jezike.


policija;policijsko delo;policisti;usposobljenost;znakovni jezik;gluhost;naglušnost;gluhe osebe;naglušne osebe;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [S. Štiberc]
UDC: 351.741:616.28-008.14(043.2)
COBISS: 3745770 Link will open in a new window
Views: 628
Downloads: 104
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Tha ability of policemen to work with deaf and hard of hearing people in maribor
Secondary abstract: The essence of the thesis is to determine the qualifications of police officers for working with deaf and hard of hearing people in Maribor. In the beginning, the tasks are addressed by various basic concepts and legislation without which police officers are not able and are not allowed to operate. In the theoretical part, two fundamental concepts were presented, namely the concept of deafness and the concept of hearing impairment. Slovenian sign language was also presented, which is the mother tongue for some of these people. The thesis continues with identification of police officer requirements of working with people who are deaf or are hard of hearing. The theoretical part is an introduction to the main part of the master's thesis, where we determined the qualifications of police officers from the Maribor area for working with the deaf and hard of hearing, using a standardized questionnaire. At the same time, we conducted a survey at the Association for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Podravje Maribor because we wanted to present their view on the work of police officers, either in procedures or as a general assessment of their work. At the same time, three projects are presented which were carried out in cooperation of the Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of Slovenia and the police. In cooperation with the Association of Deaf and Hard of Hearing of Slovenia, a project was presented in 2017 by the police, which enabled access to information from the police website for the deaf and hard of hearing. The content was translated and equipped with video content with the help of Slovenian sign language experts. We should also emphasize the possibility of "calling" the emergency numbers 112 and 113. In 2012, the possibility of "calling" was replaced by text messages. Soon, we can also expect a change in the Slovenian Constitution, which will enable the inclusion of the Slovenian sign language to the list official languages in Slovenia.
Secondary keywords: Police;deafness;hearing impairment;qualifications;Slovenian sign language.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VI, 48 str., 7 str. pril.
ID: 11201593