magistrsko delo
Vid Tratnik (Author), Marko Koščak (Mentor), Barbara Pavlakovič (Co-mentor)


Z magistrskim delom smo skušali ugotoviti zadovoljstvo turističnih ponudnikov z obstoječim delovanjem trajnostne turistične ponudbe v savinjski statistični regiji. Za pridobitev podatkov smo izvedli anketiranje ponudnikov v izbranih občinah v regiji. Cilji naloge so bili opisati trenutno stanje trajnostnega razvoja, analizirati obstoječe ponudbe in oceniti, kateri ukrepi so bili smiselni za implementacijo trajnostne turistične ponudbe v regiji. V raziskavi je bilo treba dokazati smiselnost večje vključitve aktivne ponudbe pri turističnih ponudnikih. Smiselnost je bila dokazana na osnovi pozitivnih odzivov anketirancev v raziskavi o potrebi po takšni ponudbi. Proces raziskave je bil zanesljiv, saj je bil sprva izveden pregled ponudnikov, ki promovirajo trajnostni turizem ali imajo različne oblike trajnostnega turizma vključene v svojo ponudbo. Na podlagi analize rezultatov raziskave je bil osnovan kratkoročni načrt za implementacijo turističnega produkta. Predpostavljamo, da bodo rezultati raziskovanja služili predvsem upravljavcem turistične destinacije pri pripravi trajnostnih turističnih produktov v destinaciji. Na podlagi ugotovitev se bodo torej upravljavci lažje in verodostojneje odločali o snovanju turističnih produktov, ki bi jih nameravali tržiti v okviru predmetne destinacije.


turistični deležniki;turistična destinacija;savinjska statistična regija;trajnostni turizem;trajnostni razvoj.;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FT - Faculty of Tourism
Publisher: [V. Tratnik]
UDC: 338.48:502.131.1:311.313(497.431)(043.2)
COBISS: 2048329811 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1253
Downloads: 210
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Challenges of sustainable tourism development in Savinjska statistical region
Secondary abstract: With the master thesis we tried to find out the satisfaction of tourism stakeholders in the region regarding the current development of the sustainable tourism offer in the Savinja statistical region. For gathering data, a survey directed at stakeholders in selected municipalities in the region was conducted. The goals of the thesis were accurately describing the current state of sustainable development in the region, the analysis of currently available tourism offers and the evaluation of certain measures, which were appropriate to implement in the region. In the research it was necessary to prove that the expansion of the active tourism offer will be meaningfull to tourism stakeholders. The meaningfulness of the expansion was proven on the basis of positive answers of surveyed participants regarding the need for such offer. For the process of the research to be reliable, firstly was an overview of all of the tourism stakeholders, which promote or have different types of sustainable tourism in their offer. On the basis of the analysis of the results a short term plan for the implementation of the tourism product was established. These findings will serve managers of a tourist destination for preparation of sustainable tourism products in the destination. On the basis of these findings, managers will make easier and more credible decisions in tourism regarding making tourism products, that they will market within the framework of a destination.
Secondary keywords: tourism stakeholders;tourist destination;Savinjska statistical region;sustainable tourism;sustainable development.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Uni. v Mariboru, Fak. za turizem
Pages: 94 str.
ID: 11202217
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