delo diplomskega projekta
Tamara Krajnc (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Hiter tehnološki napredek na področju digitalizacije in podatkov ter analitike je omogočil nastanek novih poslovnih inovacij in novih oblik konkurence. Tehnologija se razvija na področju robotike, analitike in umetne inteligence. Nekatera podjetja pridobivajo konkurenčno prednost pri uporabi podatkov in analitike, kar omogoča hitrejše in obsežnejše sprejemanje odločitev na podlagi dokazov, pridobivanju različnih vpogledov in optimizacije procesov. Umetna inteligenca bo spremenila podjetja in ustvarila nove vrste podjetij. Tehnične inovacije so pomagale organizacijam z novimi možnostmi za doseganje strank. Sistem za upravljanje odnosov s strankami in umetna inteligenca sta zelo močna kombinacija, ki ustvarjata na digitalnem trgu. Ker je internet postal hrbtenica sodobnih prodajnih in trženjskih prizadevanj, se je moral CRM sistem razviti, da zajame in kategorizira nenehno naraščajoč tok signalov in podatkovnih točk. Cilj umetne inteligence v CRM sistemih je, da umetna inteligenca obvladuje analizo in pripravi pametna priporočila o strankah ali možnostih. Od 1028 organizacij po vsem svetu je 28% izjavilo, da so že sprejele umetno inteligenco, 41% pa jih je odgovorilo, da bodo to storile v dveh letih (Salesforce, 2019). Podjetja se zavedajo, da so njihova najdragocenejša sredstva odnosi s stankami. Dejstvo je, da izgradnja osebnih in socialnih odnosov postaja pomembno področje trženja. Podjetja upravljajo s podatki, kot so družabni marketing, maloprodajne podatkovne baze, zabeležena strankina aktivnost, logistika in podatki o podjetjih, da vzpostavijo kakovostne strategije CRM. Ker lahko velike količine podatkov zagotovijo vzorec informacij strank, lahko podjetja napovedujejo in predpostavljajo, kakšne so potrebe svojih strank danes. Velike količine podatkov so pomagale oblikovati številne industrijske panoge in spremenili način delovanja podjetij danes.


informacijska tehnologija;umetna inteligenca;upravljanje odnosov s strankami;CRM;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [T. Krajnc]
UDC: 004.8:658.89
COBISS: 13491484 Link will open in a new window
Views: 902
Downloads: 149
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Artificial intelligence in customer relationship management systems
Secondary abstract: The fast-technological advancements in the field of digitalization, as well as in data and analytics, has enabled the emergence of new business innovations and new forms of competition. Technology is advancing in the fields of robotics, analytics and artificial intelligence. Companies are gaining the advantage on the market through the use of data and analytics that enable faster and broader decision making, based on evidence, offer various insights and lead to process optimization. Artificial intelligence is going to change businesses and create new types of businesses. Technological innovations help organizations with new possibilities of reaching clients. The systems for customer relationship management and artificial intelligence are a very strong combination, which create new opportunities on the digital market. Because the internet became the backbone of modern sales and marketing endeavours, the CRM strategy had to evolve, for it to be able to encompass and categorize the perpetually increasing flow of signal and data points. The purpose of artificial intelligence in CRM is the control of the analysis process and the preparation of smart recommendations regarding clients or opportunities. From 1028 organizations around the world 28% confirmed the usage of artificial intelligence and 41% stated, that they are going to implement the usage in the next two years (Salesforce). Companies are aware that their most valuable assets are customer relationships. It is a fact that the establishment of personal and social relationships is an important area of marketing. Companies manage data such as social marketing, retail databases, recorded customer activities, logistics and data on other companies, for the purpose of establishing a CRM strategy of good quality. Because big data enables patterns of information on clients, companies are able to predict and presume the needs of their customers. Big data helped with the establishment of various industries and changed the mode of action of companies today.
Secondary keywords: artificial intelligence;customer relationship management systems;big data;technology;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 50 str.
ID: 11206695
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