magistrsko diplomsko delo
Nataša Zore (Author), Grega Strban (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo skozi podrobno analizo odločb Ustavnega sodišča Republike Slovenije in Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice obravnava vprašanje, ali je pravico do pokojnine mogoče varovati tudi v okviru varstva lastnine. Obe sodišči sta ugotovili, da pravica do pokojnine lahko uživa lastninsko varstvo. Pravica do pokojnine je premoženjska pravica, ki jo varuje 1. člen Protokola št. 1. Slovensko ustavno sodišče je s priznanjem dvojnega varstva pravice do pokojnine tako preko pravice do socialne varnosti kot preko pravice do zasebne lastnine razširilo krog upravičencev, saj Ustava pravico do pokojnine zagotavlja le državljanom, medtem ko ustavna pravica do zasebne lastnine ni omejena na državljanstvo. V obseg lastninskopravnega varstva spada tudi pravica do izbire pokojnine ter pričakovana pravica. Varstvo pokojnine preko ustavne pravice do zasebne lastnine pa je tudi močan argument za dopustnost ponovne odmere pokojnine. Izhajajoč iz sodne prakse in ob upoštevanju mednarodnih zavez mora nosilec zavarovanja na podlagi argumenta zasebne lastnine pri odmeri pokojnine upoštevati vse osnove, od katerih so se plačevali prispevki, in pokojnine izplačevati zavarovancem v katerokoli državo. Kljub široki razlagi lastninskopravnega varstva pravice do pokojnine pa je potrebno upoštevati tudi socialno vlogo pokojnine in načelo solidarnosti, ki je vodilno načelo sistema socialne varnosti, ter najti sorazmerno ravnovesje med lastninskopravnim varstvom in upoštevanjem načela solidarnosti ter socialnega vidika pravice do pokojnine.


socialna varnost;pokojnina;zasebna lastnina;lastninsko varstvo;Ustava;Ustavno sodišče;človekove pravice;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [N. Zore]
UDC: 349.3:368(043.2)
COBISS: 16882513 Link will open in a new window
Views: 748
Downloads: 204
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Property protection of right to pension
Secondary abstract: Through a detailed analysis of the Slovenian Constitutional Court judgments and judgments of the European Court of Human Rights Master's thesis deals with the question whether property protection can be awarded to the pension rights. Both courts held that pension rights can enjoy the protection of property. The right to pension is a pecuniary right and enjoys the protection under Article 1 of Protocol No 1. With the recognition of dual protection of pension rights the Slovenian Constitutional Court has broaden the scope of beneficiaries; namely, the Slovenian Constitution guarantees the right to pension only to the citizens, whereas the constitutional right to private property is guaranteed regardless of the nationality. Prospected right to pension enjoys protection of property too. Property protection represents a strong argument for the admissibility of the reassessment of pension. Having regard to judicial decisions and international commitments, the pension scheme provider must take into account all the basics when calculating the amount of pension payable; furthermore, the pension can be exported to any one of the states. Despite broad interpretation of property protection of pension rights, the social role of pension and the rule of solidarity (as the leading principle of social security sistem) should be taken into account and furthermore, proportionate balance between the respect of the principle of solidarity, social aspects of pension rights and property protection should be found.
Secondary keywords: social security;pension;private property;property protection;Constitution;Constitutional Court;human rights;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 41 f.
ID: 11206838
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