delo diplomskega projekta
Saša Slekovec (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Dandanes so človeški viri postali ključ do podjetniškega uspeha in eden izmed najpomembnejših virov v podjetju, zato je pomembno, da dobre kadre ohranjamo v podjetju. Za pridobivanje in iskanje novih talentov si pomagamo z modernimi digitalnimi metodami, ki hitreje in natančneje prepoznajo potencialne kandidate za naše podjetje. Temeljni namen diplomskega projekta je opredelitev kadrovske funkcije, kadrovskega informacijskega sistema, SAP HCM in SAP SuccessFactors, ter primerjava med rešitvama. Diplomski projekt smo razdelili v dva sklopa. V prvem, teoretičnem delu, smo opredelili kadrovsko funkcijo, njen pomen in vlogo v podjetju danes in v prihodnosti. Opredelili smo kadrovski informacijski sitem, njegove značilnosti, kadrovski informacijski sistem kot del ERP rešitve in kot del samostojne rešitve ter lastnosti dobrega kadrovskega informacijskega sistema. Opisali smo tudi SAP ERP, SAP S/4HANA in funkcionalnosti SAP HCM. Predstavili smo oblačno rešitev SAP SuccessFactors in njegovo funkcionalnost. V drugem, praktičnem delu, smo snovali primerjavo na podlagi teoretičnega dela med rešitvama SAP HCM in SAP SuccessFactors. Rešitvi smo primerjali z vidika implementacije, težavnosti uvajanja, dostopnosti do podatkov, umetne inteligence, vzdrževanja, iskanja talentov, stroškov najema podatkov, uporabniškega vmesnika itd.


informacijski sistemi;informacijske rešitve;SAP;kadrovska funkcija;človeški viri;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Slekovec]
UDC: 004.77:005.96
COBISS: 13479964 Link will open in a new window
Views: 725
Downloads: 78
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: SAP colutions for managing personnel processes
Secondary abstract: Nowadays human resource – HR is one of the most important parts of the company. It is a key for success. That is why it is so important to have/keep good employees at the company. For finding and recruiting new persons/talents we must help with modern digital methods, which are more precise and faster for finding right and potential candidates for our company. Crucial and fundamental purpose of the diploma project (bachelor's degree) is to define the HR function, the HR information system, SAP HCM and SAP SuccessFactors and the comparison of these solutions. Final project was divided into two strands. In first, theoretical part we defined HR function its purpose and role in company, today and in the future. We defined HR information system its characteristics, HR information system as part of the ERP solution, and as part of the individual solution, and features of good HR information system. We have also described SAP ERP, SAP S/4HANA and functionality of SAP HCM. We presented the cloud solution SAP SuccessFactors and its functionality as well. In second, practical part, we prepare comparison based on the theoretical part between SAP HCM and SAP SuccessFactors solutions. We compared both solutions from different aspects, such is implementation, deployment difficulty, data accessibility, artificial intelligence, maintenance, talent search, data rental costs, user interface, etc.
Secondary keywords: Human Resource - HR function;Personnel Information System;SAP ERP;SAP HCM;SAP SuccessFactors;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 41 str.
ID: 11207468