delo diplomskega projekta
Mojca Čas (Author), Barbara Bradač Hojnik (Mentor)


V zadnjih nekaj letih je po svetu možno zaznati razcvet mikropivovarn in priljubljenost kraft piva. Povpraševanje po kraft pivih raste in bo rastlo tudi v prihodnje. Ta trend je zajel tudi Slovenijo. Čeprav je na slovenskem trgu že kar nekaj mikropivovarn, smo mnenja, da je prostora še za nove. Tako se je porodila poslovna ideja o prvi koroški mikropivovarni. Na podlagi tega je osrednja tema diplomskega dela vitko podjetništvo in izdelava poslovnega modela na primeru mikropivovarne. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo s pomočjo strokovne literature, opredelili in razložili pojme, kot so podjetništvo, vitko podjetništvo in poslovni model, ki so za nadaljnje razumevanje praktičnega dela diplomske naloge nujno potrebni. Osredotočili smo se predvsem na vitko podjetništvo in 9 gradnikov, ki sestavljajo kanvas poslovnega modela. V tretjem poglavju smo predstavili podjetje. Opisali smo začetke, od kod ideja, osnovne podatke, vizijo, poslanstvo, predstavili glavne produkte in načrte za prihodnost. Praktičen del diplomske naloge zajema izdelavo kanvasa poslovnega modela na primeru mikropivovarne. V kanvasu so po točkah predstavljene vse glavne hipoteze, kasneje pa je vseh 9 gradnikov, ki sestavljajo poslovni model, podrobneje opisanih. V tem delu naloge smo mnogo potrebnih podatkov pridobili od enega izmed lastnikov mikropivovarne, velik del pa predstavljajo naše lastne zamisli.


podjetništvo;vitka organizacija;poslovni modeli;kanvas;mikripivovarne;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Čas]
UDC: 005.5
COBISS: 13503772 Link will open in a new window
Views: 686
Downloads: 128
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Business modelling on a case of microbrewery
Secondary abstract: Over the past few years, a bloom of microbreweries and the increasing popularity of craft beer can be seen around the world. The demand for craft beer is growing and will probably continue to grow in the future. The mentioned trend is also taking place in Slovenia. Although there are already quite a few microbreweries on the Slovenian market, we feel that there is still room for new ones. Thus the business idea of the first Carinthian microbrewery was born. On this basis, the focus of our thesis is lean entrepreneurship and creation of a business model in the case of a microbrewery. In theoretical part of the thesis we have, with the help of professional literature, defined and explained concepts such as entrepreneurship, lean entrepreneurship and business model, which are the key for further understanding of practical part of the thesis. We focused primarily on lean entrepreneurship and the 9 building blocks that make up the business model canvas. In the third chapter of the paper we presented the company and described the roots of their ideas, beginnings, vision and their mission. Their main products and plans for the future are described in the paper as well. The practical part of the thesis consists of a business model canvas production on a case of the microbrewery. All the main hypotheses are presented in the canvas, and later on all of the 9 building blocks that make up the business model are described in more detail. In that part of the assignment, we have obtained much of the needed information from one of the owners of the microbrewery, but a large part of the practical part are also our own ideas.
Secondary keywords: lean entrepreneurship;business model;canvas;microbrewery;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 31 str.
ID: 11207574