diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Robert Hren (Author), Lidija Čuček (Mentor), Marjana Simonič (Co-mentor), Aleksandra Petrovič (Co-mentor)


Predobdelava je ključna za učinkovito uporabo lignocelulozne biomase za namene proizvodnje biogoriv in biokemikalij. Z njo razklopimo težko razgradljivo ligninsko strukturo in pripomoremo k boljši dostopnosti do celuloze in hemiceluloze v predobdelani biomasi. Raziskali smo, kako različne metode predobdelave vplivajo na vsebnosti izbranih parametrov. Preverjali smo kemijsko potrebo po kisiku (KPK), vsebnosti dušika, fosforja in kalija (NPK), NH3, celotnega organskega ogljika (TOC), prevodnost, vrednost pH in koncentracije plinov CH4, O2, CO2 ter H2S. Testirali smo vzorce blata iz čistilnih naprav, obrečne trave (vrste širokolistni rogoz) in njune kombinacije. Analize smo opravili z dvema tehnikama predobdelave, s predobdelavo pri povišani temperaturi in s fermentacijo z dodatkom vsebine vampa. Prisotnost večine parametrov (KPK, NPK, NH3, celotni organski C) pred in po predobdelavi smo merili s kivetnimi testi, s senzorji smo izmerili pH in prevodnost ter zgolj po predobdelavi smo z analizatorjem plinov merili sestavo plinov. Ugotovili smo, da izbrane tehnike predobdelave vplivajo na vsebnost parametrov v biomasi, ki smo jih analizirali. Večina parametrov se je s predobdelavo spremenila. Vrednosti KPK so se večinoma povečale, predvsem v primeru trave. S predobdelavo je vrednost pH v vzorcih padla. Prevodnost je narastla po predobdelavi in se zmanjšala ob dodatku vsebine iz vampa. Koncentracija CH4 je prav tako narastla po predobdelavi, zlasti pri dodatku vsebine vampa. Analiza NPK je pokazala, da ima najvišjo vrednost makrohranil kombinacija blata in trave. Ko smo vzorcem dodali vsebino vampa ali travo, smo opazili manjši dvig razmerja C/N.


lignocelulozna biomasa;predobdelava biomase;predobdelava pri povišani temperaturi;fermentacija z vsebino vampa;določanje nekaterih parametrov;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [R. Hren]
UDC: 547.458.84:628.336.3(043.2)
COBISS: 22665750 Link will open in a new window
Views: 937
Downloads: 131
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Use of different pretreatment methods for waste materials and determination of several parameters during pretreatment
Secondary abstract: The key for efficient usage of lignocellulosic biomass for biofuel and biochemical production is its pretreatment. By pretreatment hardly decomposing lignin structure is altered, and cellulose and hemicellulose become more accessible in the pretreated biomass. The goal of the research was to explore the effect of different pretreatment methods on the values of analysed parameters. Various parameters have been tested, such as chemical oxygen demand (COD), the amounts of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium (NPK), NH3, total organic carbon (TOC), conductivity, the pH value and the concentrations of CH4, O2, CO2 and H2S. Tests have been conducted on sewage sludge, riverbank grass (species Typha latifolia) and their combination. Analysed have been carried out by applying two pre-treatment techniques, thermal pretreatment and fermentation with the addition of rumen fluid. Cuvette tests have been used for measuring the values of most parameters (COD, NPK, NH3, and total organic C) before and after pretreatment, sensors have been used for measurements of conductivity and the pH value, and after pre-treatment gas analyser have been used for measuring concentrations of gases. Research has shown that the chosen pretreatment methods have influence on the values of parameters in the biomass. Most of the parameters have changed during pretreatment. COD values mainly increased during pretreatment, especially in case of riverbank grass samples. After pre-treatment, the pH value decreased. Conductivity increased after pretreatment, while decreased when rumen fluid has been added. The concentration of CH4 also increased after pretreatment, especially with the addition of rumen fluid. NPK analysis showed, that the highest value of macroelements is obtained for the combination of grass and sewage sludge. Increase of the C/N ratio has been observed, when the grass or rumen fluid have been added to the samples.
Secondary keywords: lignocellulosic biomass;biomass pretreatment;pretreatment at elevated temperatures;fermentation with rumen fluid;analysis of some parameters;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: IX, 44 str.
ID: 11210915