delo diplomskega projekta
Sara Koler (Author), Romana Korez-Vide (Mentor)


Namen tega diplomskega projekta je ugotoviti, kako SPIRIT Slovenija podpira predstavitve slovenskih podjetij na sejmih v tujini. Sejem je torej dogodek, mesto, kjer se razstavljavci lahko neposredno predstavijo svojim starim in novim odjemalcem. Pri nastopu na sejmih je za uspešnost potrebna natančnost in vztrajnost. Podjetje mora izdelati jasno tržno strategijo, sicer izgubi pomen tudi nastop na sejmu. Kljub razvoju sodobne tehnike so sejmi še vedno zelo pomembna oblika komunikacije s kupci. Če podjetje želi poslovati pozitivno, mora razviti inovativen in konkurenčen izdelek ali storitev. S pomočjo dobro razvitega tržnega komuniciranja, ki je najpomembnejša funkcija v vsakem podjetju, podjetje poskuša vzdrževati poslovne prednosti pred konkurenco. Samo podjetje komunicira s porabniki, posredniki in tudi različnimi javnostmi. Kljub vsem možnim oblikam komunikacije z odjemalci so sejmi še zmeraj na samem vrhu pospeševanja prodaje. Podjetje najprej razišče domač trg, in če predvidi upadanje prodaje, se odloči za razširitev na tuje trge. S pomočjo institucije SPIRIT Slovenija slovenska podjetja veliko lažje vstopajo na tuja tržišča, institucija razpiše razpis, na katerega se lahko podjetje prijavi, če ustreza vsem postavljenim pogojem. Sofinancirani so skupinski in individualni nastopi podjetij na mednarodnih sejmih.


marketinško komuniciranje;pospeševanje prodaje;sejmi;oglaševanje;trženje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Koler]
UDC: 659.1/.4
COBISS: 13545756 Link will open in a new window
Views: 660
Downloads: 42
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Support of SPIRIT Slovenia to presentations of Slovenian companies at trade fairs abroad
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this diploma project is to find out how SPIRIT Slovenia supports the presentations of Slovenian companies at trade fairs abroad. The fair is therefore an event, a place where exhibitors can directly introduce themselves to their existent and new customers. Successful presentation requires precision and perseverance. The company needs to come up with a clear marketing strategy, otherwise its appearance on the fair also looses its importance. Despite the development of modern technology, fairs are still a very important form of communication with customers. If a company wants to do business positively, it needs to develop an innovative and competitive product or service. With the help of well-developed marketing communication, which is the most important function in any company, the company tries to maintain business advantages over the competition. The company communicates with consumers, intermediaries and also various publics. Despite all possible forms of communication with customers, the trade fairs are still at the top of sales promotion. The company first investigates the domestic market, and if it anticipates a decline in sales, it decides to expand into foreign markets. With the help of SPIRIT Slovenia, Slovenian companies much easier enter foreign markets. Group and individual presentations at international trade fairs are co-financed by this institution.
Secondary keywords: marketing communication;sales promotion;fair;presentations at the fair;SPIRIT Slovenia.;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 29 str.
ID: 11214549