delo diplomskega projekta


»Spremembe so edina stalnica v življenju« - plemenita misel, ki opozarja na zastarelost klasičnih načinov doseganja poslovne uspešnosti. Konkurenca je tista, ki »sili« podjetja v iskanje novih rešitev. Ena izmed teh je odločitev podjetja za uvedbo koncepta notranjega podjetništva. Notranji podjetnik je lahko že oseba, ki z močno prisotnim podjetniškim duhom v ustaljenem podjetju spodbuja razvoj podjetništva, ta pojav pa označujemo z besedno zvezo notranje podjetništvo. V diplomskem delu natančneje predstavljamo še dokaj neznan koncept, ga primerjamo s klasičnim podjetništvom in opredelimo njegove pojavne oblike – notranje-podjetniške podjeme in notranje-podjetniške aktivnosti. Proaktivno usmerjeno podjetje s pomočjo vzpodbudnega ozračja in razpoložljivih resursov vpeljuje notranje-podjetniške elemente v le-to. Najpogosteje lahko notranje podjetništvo zaznamo kot nenehno inoviranje novih izdelkov oziroma storitev, vstop na nove (tuje) trge, privzetje strategij podjetja, spremembe v procesih ali kot prilagajanje poslovnega modela. V diplomskem delu smo podrobneje raziskali, kakšna je prisotnost le-tega v izbranem kozmetičnem podjetju. Predvidevanja, da je notranje podjetništvo prisotno, vendar ne v vseh oblikah, so se izkazala za dejanska. Raziskavo notranje-podjetniške usmerjenosti preučevanega podjetja smo izvedli s pomočjo metodologije »Corporate entrepreneurship audit«. S pomočjo dobljenih rezultatov izbrane metodologije in s pripravo SWOT analize smo raziskali in predstavili predloge za nadaljnje uvajanje in razvoj notranjega podjetništva v proučevanem podjetju.


podjetništvo;notranje podjetništvo;uspešnost poslovanja;konkurenčna prednost;inovativnost;kozmetična industrija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [C. Štefanec]
UDC: 005.13
COBISS: 13482780 Link will open in a new window
Views: 561
Downloads: 77
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of corporate entrepreneurship on the case of company in the costemtic industry
Secondary abstract: Change is the only constant in our life - a noble thought that points out the obsolescence of classic ways of achieving business success. It is the competition that drives companies to find new solutions. One of them is the company's decision to include the concept of internal entrepreneurship. An internal entrepreneur may be a person who encourages the development of entrepreneurship, with a strong entrepreneurial spirit in an established company, an action that is referred to as internal entrepreneurship. In the diploma paper, a rather unknown concept is presented in more detail. Furthermore, we compare it to classical entrepreneurship defining its manifestations – internal entrepreneurial ventures and internal entrepreneurial activities. A proactive company, through a stimulating atmosphere and available resources, tends to introduce such internal entrepreneurial elements. Most often, internal entrepreneurship can be perceived as a constant innovation of new products or services, the entry into new (foreign) markets, the adoption of company strategies, the changes in processes, or as an adaptation of the business model. In the diploma paper we have explored in more detail the presence of such elements in a chosen cosmetic company. The assumptions that internal entrepreneurship is present but not in all forms have proven to be true. The study of the internal entrepreneurial orientation of the researched company was carried out using the methodology of "Corporate entrepreneurship audit". Using the results of the chosen methodology and preparing the SWOT analysis, we examined and presented proposals for the further introduction and development of internal entrepreneurship in the researched company.
Secondary keywords: internal entrepreneurship;dimensions of internal entrepreneurship;business success;competitive advantage;innovation;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 40 str.
ID: 11214927