magistrsko delo


Tema magistrske naloge se nanaša na področje notranjega podjetništva. Notranje podjetništvo je pomembno za doseganje konkurenčne prednosti podjetja; številna velika podjetja poskušajo z njegovo uvedbo v organizacijo vpeljati način razmišljanja in sposobnost izkoriščanja novih potencialov, ki so značilna za start-up podjetja, ter s tem izboljšati poslovanje. Zaposleni v podjetju, ki razmišljajo kot podjetniki, so gonilo napredka podjetja, saj z obstoječimi resursi poskušajo izkoristiti nove priložnosti, ki se jim porajajo, in s tem razvijajo nove (ali pa samo izboljšujejo obstoječe) produkte, storitve in procese v podjetju. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na preučevanje podjetniških in finančnih vidikov merjenja stopnje notranjega podjetništva na ravni podjetja. Na osnovi študije primera smo najprej ugotovili, ali je v podjetju X v kozmetični panogi prisotno notranje podjetništvo in nadalje omenjeno stopnjo tudi izmerili. Kar se dotika področja finančnih vidikov notranjega podjetništva, smo analizirali računovodenje notranjepodjetniških projektov, saj to predstavlja pomembno povezavo med področjem notranjega podjetništva in računovodstvom. To analizo smo izvedli s pomočjo metode intervjuja. Študija primera je pokazala, da je mogoče v podjetju X najti zametke notranjega podjetništva, čeprav to še ni razvito v polni meri. Podjetje X ima za njegov razvoj ustrezno vodstveno podporo, kulturo podjetja in delno oblikovano notranjepodjetniško strategijo. Okolje podjetja je naklonjeno inovativnosti, izboljšavam in ustvarjalnosti. Podjetje X mora za nadaljnji razvoj koncepta notranjega podjetništva preoblikovati strukturo in organizacijo poslovanja, da bo ta bolj v podporo notranjemu podjetništvu. Računovodenje projektov je v preučevanem podjetju prisotno; informacije, pridobljene skozi razne računovodske metode, podjetje prepoznava kot izjemno pomembne in ključne pri odločanju o poteku posameznega projekta. Iz pridobljenih rezultatov študije primera podjetja X sklepamo, da je notranje podjetništvo že precej znan koncept, predvidevamo lahko, da ga bo čedalje več srednje velikih in velikih podjetij uporabilo za osvežitev poslovanja.

Ključne besede

podjetništvo;notranje podjetništvo;projekti;računovodenje;merjenje;kozmetična industrija;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [D. Tanšek]
UDK: 005.1/.3:657(043.2)
COBISS: 12767516 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 899
Št. prenosov: 26
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Entrepreneurial and financial aspects of measuring the level intrapreneurship in company X in cosmetic industry
Sekundarni povzetek: The purpose of this thesis is to research the area of intrapreneurship. Intrapreneurship is important for achieving company's competitive advantage and by introducing it into their organization, many large companies aim to encourage their employees to start thinking and acting entrepreneurially. In this way, the company can make the best use of its potentials and resources and can start exploiting new opportunities in the way which is common to small, start-up companies. The company’s employees who are thinking like entrepreneurs are the driving force of progress since they are trying to exploit the opportunities within the existing resources in order to create new products or just to improve the company’s existing products and services. The focus of this master's thesis is to study entrepreneurial and financial aspects of measuring the level of intrapreneurship at the company level. By adopting a case study approach, we first determined the presence of intrapreneurship in the selected company X in the cosmetic industry. Then, we measured the level of intrapreneurship in this company by using a survey method. Regarding the financial aspects of intrapreneurship, we analyzed financial supervision of intrapreneurial projects as this represents an important link between intrapreneurship and accounting. This analysis was carried out via an in-depth interview. Our research found that intrapreneurship is present in the company X even though it has not been fully developed yet. The results of our survey showed that the company X has the adequate level of leadership support and the right company culture for intrapreneurship; it also has partially¬-developed intrapreneurship strategy. The company X is supportive of innovativeness, improvements and creativity. However, it has to reorganize its structure and organization of business operations to better support its intrapreneurship. Focusing on the financial aspect, our study established that the accounting of intrapreneurial projects is present in the company X; the information obtained through various accounting methods is perceived by the company as highly important and crucial for decisions about a certain project. The results of our study show that intrapreneurship is not a new concept in business environment. We can thus expect that many more small and medium-sized enterprises will try to adopt this concept to improve their business results.
Sekundarne ključne besede: intrapreneurship;intrapreneur;measuring the level of intrapreneurship;project accounting;case study in cosmetic industry;entrepreneurial orientation diagram;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 2020-03-31
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: 84 str., 5 str. pril.
ID: 9594257