magistrsko delo
Urška Koželj (Author), Mitja Kožuh (Mentor), Barbara Novosel (Thesis defence commission member), Klementina Zupan (Thesis defence commission member)


Cestni hrup je v današnjem svetu hitre mobilizacije eden izmed največjih onesnaževalcev okolja, ki povzroča številne zdravstvene težave. Zaradi tega, ker je ta hrup kompleksen, so se za njegovo zmanjšanje vzpostavili številni ukrepi, ki so odvisni od številnih dejavnikov. V magistrskem delu sem obravnavala protihrupne pregrade, ki so, čeprav kot sekundarni ukrep, najbolj pogosta zaščita pred cestnim hrupom. Z njimi med cesto in okolico postavimo fizično oviro, ki zmanjšuje hrup na različne načine. Učinkovitost posamezne pregrade pa je odvisna predvsem od njenih geometrijskih dimenzij, akustičnih lastnosti, hitrosti in števila vozil, položaja med virom hrupa in sprejemnikom za pregrado ter vremenskih razmer. Glede na rezultate meritev pri cesti na dveh različnih lokacijah sta ekvivalentni ravni hrupa previsoki za okoliške prebivalce, zato sta protihrupni pregradi primerna rešitev za zmanjšanje prometnega hrupa. Učinkovitost njunega delovanja sem preverila z dvema merilnikoma hrupa, ki sta prikazala uspešno zmanjšanje ravni hrupa v danih merilnih pogojih. Za ugotavljanje resničnosti hipotez sem glede na geometrijske dimenzije računsko preverila vrednosti zmanjšanja ravni hrupa. Nato sem izmerjene in računske vrednosti primerjala in skušala odkriti razlike med enim in drugim tipom protihrupne pregrade. V okviru raziskave sem ugotovila, da izbrani protihrupni pregradi učinkovito zmanjšujeta prometni hrup. Kljub temu bi se morale meritve učinkovitosti vsake pregrade v nekem določenem časovnem obdobju preverjati, saj so protihrupne pregrade izpostavljene raznovrstnim vremenskim razmeram, kar vpliva na njihovo zmanjšano učinkovitost.


zvok;okoljski hrup;cestni hrup;zaščita pred hrupom;zakonodaja;protihrupne pregrade;geometrijske dimentije;akustične lastnosti;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Publisher: [U. Koželj]
UDC: 699.844(043.2)
COBISS: 1538404291 Link will open in a new window
Views: 575
Downloads: 224
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The efficiency of noise barriers
Secondary abstract: Noise caused by road traffic is in today's world one of the most significant environmental pollutants that is causing various health problems. Due to the complexity of the noise generated by the road traffic it needs to be reduced by several measures that depend on many factors. In the master thesis, I focused on noise barriers that are frequently used protection against the road noise as a secondary action. With the use of noise barriers, we create a physical barrier between the road and its surroundings. The noise barriers reduce the noise in different ways. The efficiency of individual noise barrier depends mainly on its geometrical measurements, acoustic properties, weather conditions, on the number of vehicles and their speed when they pass the barrier and the position of the perceiver versus the source of the noise. According to the results of noise measurements that were taken next to the road at two different locations, the equivalent noise levels were too high for the inhabitants living in the surrounding area. Therefore, noise barriers would be an appropriate solution to reduce the noise caused by road traffic. I tested the efficiency of the barriers with two noise meters, which showed, that the noise barriers successfully reduced the noise levels. Based on the geometric dimensions of the barriers I also checked the credibility of the measured data by manually calculating the reduced noise levels. Afterward, I compared the calculated and measured values and tried to distinguish the differences between the first and second type of noise barrier. From my results, I found out that the selected noise barriers effectively reduce traffic noise. Nevertheless, the efficiency of each noise barrier should be tested in a specific time period due to the exposure to the weather conditions that reduce their effectiveness.
Secondary keywords: traffic noise;noise barriers;geometric dimensions;acoustic properties;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000378
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, smer Tehniška varnost
Pages: 64 str.
ID: 11217761
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