magistrsko delo
Andrej Lozar (Author), Matija Milanič (Mentor), Matjaž Lukač (Co-mentor)


V magistrski nalogi smo raziskovali delovanje različnih modelov poškodb biološkega tkiva, ki nastanejo zaradi izpostavljenosti visokim temperaturam. Vsi temeljijo na poznavanju temperature tkiva. Nekateri so neposredno odvisni od temperature, posredno odvisne pa smo nadgradili, da so postali neposredno odvisni. Različna tkiva se različno odzivajo na povišanje lastne temperature, zato so za opis različnih tkiv primerni različni modeli. Da bi primerjali uspešnost in primernost, smo modele testirali na meritvah preživetja celic oziroma tkiv in na meritvah kritične temperature v odvisnosti od časa ekspozicije (Arrheniusova krivulja). Tako smo izračunali tkivne parametre za vse uporabljene modele in jih primerjali z že objavljenimi. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali je kateri izmed modelov vsestransko uporaben. Za opis Arrheniusovih krivulj se je najbolje izkazal VHS in nato model denaturacije encimov, za splošen opis vseh meritev pa verjetnostni model izgube klonogenosti. Vsak model je lastne meritve opisal zelo dobro. Le v enem primeru, kjer so model naredili na podlagi lastnih meritev, se je izkazalo, da en drug model te iste meritve opiše še boljše.


medicinska fizika;biološka tkiva;poškodbe celic;poškodbe tkiv;termalna dozimetrija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Publisher: [A. Lozar]
UDC: 615.849
COBISS: 3370852 Link will open in a new window
Views: 673
Downloads: 222
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of thermal damage models of tissues for medical laser procedures
Secondary abstract: In this master thesis we investigate various models of biological tissue damage resulting from exposure to high temperatures. All models are based on knowing the tissue's temperature. Some of them are directly temperature dependant and some are indirectly dependant. The latter have been upgraded to become directly temperature dependant as well. Different tissues respond differently to an increase in their own temperature, therefore different models are appropriate to describe different tissue. In order to compare performance and suitability, we tested the models on cell and tissue viability measurements and critical temperature measurements as a function of exposure time (Arrhenius curve). Thus, we calculated the tissue parameters for all the models used and compared them with those already published. We also wanted to know if any of the models were versatile. VHS model followed by enzyme denaturation model were best suited for describing the Arrhenius curves and heat-induced clonogenic cell death model for the overall description of all measurements. Each model described its own measurements very well. In only one case where the model was made on the basis of their own measurements, it turned out that another model described these same measurements even better.
Secondary keywords: medical physics;biological tissues;cell injuries;tissue injuries;thermal dosimetry;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za matematiko in fiziko, Oddelek za fiziko
Pages: 152 str.
ID: 11224184