diplomsko delo
Baker (Cu) je pomemben esencialni element za rastline in človeka. Kljub temu je v prevelikih koncentracijah toksičen za živa bitja. V modernem kmetijstvu se izvaja najrazličnejše kmetijske prakse s katerimi se v okolje v tla vnaša preveč bakrovih spojin. Na svetu je vedno manj vode. Ta problem prisili kmete na sušnih območji v uporabo industrijskih in urbanih odplak za namakanje. V intenzivnih kmetijskih pokrajinah uporabljajo gnojevko bogato s bakrovimi spojinami. Te se namreč dodajajo v krmo. Tradicionalna uporaba fitofarmacevtskih pripravkov na osnovi bakra predstavlja velikega onesnaževalca kmetijskih tal. Pripravke se uporablja predvsem za nadzor glivičnih in bakterijskih bolezni. Dostopnost bakra za rastline je pogojena s talnimi in okoljskimi lastnostmi. Baker se absorbira v rastline, saj je nujno potreben za normalen potek biokemijskih procesov. Ob nagnjenosti rastlin k pretirani absorbciji se v rastlinskih delih lahko začnejo akumulirati prevelike koncentracije bakra. Pomembno je nadzorovati koncentracije bakra v tleh in v užitnih delih rastlin, saj preko prehranjevalne verige prehaja tudi v človeka. Prevelike koncentracije bakra so lahko škodljive za človekovo zdravje. Z namenom zmanjšati nevarnosti za človekovo zdravje raziskovalne in državne institucije predpisujejo priporočene in toksične dnevne vnose bakra za človeka in mejne vrednosti za vsebnost bakra v tleh. Zaradi prevelikih koncentracij bakra v tleh je pridelava kmetijskih rastlin lahko onemogočena.
pedologija;kemična sestava tal;baker;dostopnost;prenos v rastline;vnos;zakonodaja;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2019 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty |
Publisher: |
[D. Kobal] |
UDC: |
631.453:546.56:613.26(043.2) |
Views: |
596 |
Downloads: |
140 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Human exposure to copper from food produced on areas with increased levels of copper in soils |
Secondary abstract: |
Copper (Cu) is an important essential element for plants and humans. Even so, in too high concentrations it is toxic to living organisms. In modern agriculture, a variety of agricultural practices are being implemented, which bring too much copper into the soil. There is less and less water in the world. This problem is forcing farmers in arid areas to use industrial and urban sewage for irrigation. In intensive agricultural landscapes, they use copper-rich slurry. These are added to the feed. The traditional use of copper-based plant protection products is a major contaminant of agricultural soils. These preparations are mainly used for the control of fungal and bacterial diseases. The availability of copper for plants is conditioned by soil and environmental characteristics. Copper is absorbed into plants as it is essential for the normal course of biochemical processes. With the tendency of plants to over-absorb, excessive concentrations of copper begin to accumulate in the plant parts. It is important to control copper concentrations in soil and in edible parts of plants, since it can enter the human body through food chain. Excessive copper concentrations can be detrimental to human health. In order to reduce human health hazards, research and state institutions shall prescribe recommended and toxic daily intakes of copper for humans and limit values for soil copper. Excessive concentrations of copper in soil limit the production of agricultural crops. |
Secondary keywords: |
pedology;soil chemical composition;copper;accessibility;plant transfer;intake;legislation; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo |
Pages: |
VI, 20 str. |
ID: |
11227592 |