diplomsko delo
Maša Kastelic (Author), Ksenija Šabec (Mentor)


Pričujoče diplomsko delo sem posvetila tematiki feminizma in slovenski ljudski pravljici. Pravljica je ena izmed najstarejših ljudskih zvrsti in ima zelo velik pomen za celotno družbo. Zanimalo me je, katere prvine ločujejo pravljico od ostalih pripovednih zvrsti ljudskega slovstva in na kakšen način se v njih pojavlja tematika feminizma. Omejila sem se predvsem na dva pristopa preučevanja pravljic – na sociološki in psihoanalitični pristop. Pričujoče diplomsko delo je teoretičnega značaja, v njem pa sem uporabila naslednje raziskovalne metode: deskriptivno metodo, zgodovinsko metodo, metodo klasifikacije, primerjalno metodo in metodo sinteze ter metodi generalizacije in abstrakcije. V prvem delu diplomske naloge sem preko študija literature ugotavljala, na kakšen način se zrcali podoba žensk v slovenskih ljudskih pravljicah. Posebno poglavje sem namenila liku mačehe in negativni podobi, ki jo ima v pravljicah. V drugem delu sem ugotovitve podprla s primerjalno tekstualno analizo izbrane ljudske pravljice. Odločila sem se za pravljico Hudobna mačeha in dobra pastorka, ker je ena izmed mnogih pravljic, v katerih je lik mačehe opisan izrazito stigmatizirano. Ženski liki so v slovenskih ljudskih pravljicah prikazani kot pretežno pasivni in negativni v primerjavi z moškimi liki. S pomočjo raziskovalnega vprašanja bom ugotavljala, v čem so (slovenske) pravljice drugačne od ostalih zvrsti ljudskega slovstva in v kakšni meri ter na kakšne načine so v njih prikazane ženske, še posebej kakšna je podoba mačehe, saj menim, da je lik mačehe v slovenskih ljudskih pravljicah prikazan izrazito stigmatizirano in negativno. Preko psihoanalitične teorije Bruna Bettelheima in sociološke teorije Jacka Zipsa sem skušala ugotoviti, zakaj je temu tako.


ljudska pravljica;lik ženske;lik mačehe;Ljudsko slovstvo;Slovenske pravljice;Feminizem;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [M. Kastelic]
UDC: 305:398.2(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 36492637 Link will open in a new window
Views: 655
Downloads: 251
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The theme of feminism in the Slovene folk fairy tale
Secondary abstract: The thesis is focused on the topics of feminism and Slovenian folk tale. Fairy tale is one of the oldest folk genres and it has a great meaning for the society as a whole. I was interested in discovering which elements separate fairy tales from other narrative genres of folk literature and also in which way the theme of feminism appears in fairy tales. I mainly focused on two approaches to the study of fairy tales – on the sociological and psychoanalytical approach. This thesis is mainly theoretical and I used the following research methods in it: the descriptive method, the historical method, the classification method, the comparative method, the synthesis method and also the generalization and abstraction method. In the first part of my thesis I discovered in which way the image of women is reflected in Slovenian folk tales through the study of literature. Special chapter was dedicated to the figure of stepmother and the negative image with which the figure is usually portrayed. In the second part I support my findings with comparative textual analysis of the selected fairy tale. I chose the fairy tale Hudobna mačeha in dobra pastorka, because it is one of many fairy tales in which the character of stepmother is highly stigmatized. In Slovenian folk fairy tales female characters are portrayed as predominantly passive and negative compared to male characters. With the help of my research question I will determine how (Slovene) fairy tales are different from other types of folk literature and to what extent and in what ways are women shown in them, especially the image of stepmother. Because I think that the character of stepmother is shown as extremely stigmatized and negative in Slovenian folk fairy tales. I tried to find the reason for this through psychoanalytic theory of Bruno Bettelheima and sociological theory of Jack Zips.
Secondary keywords: Folk literature;Slovenian fairy tales;Feminism;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 44 str.
ID: 11233672
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