diplomsko delo
Monika Kogoj (Author), Stanislav Avsec (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu obravnavamo tematiko ponovne rabe materialov pri pouku tehnike in tehnologije. Osrednja metoda pridobivanja informacij zajema zbiranje in preučevanje literature, deskriptivno metodo teoretičnih prispevkov ter analizo in interpretacijo izsledkov. Družba, v kateri danes živimo, je zelo potrošna. Za življenje potrebujemo veliko energije in virov, stranski negativni produkti, ki nastajajo pri tem, onesnažujejo okolje, v katerem bivamo. V ta namen je v diplomskem delu najprej definiran odpadek in nastanek le-tega ter zaradi raznolikosti tudi vrste odpadkov. Pri današnji količini odpadkov je zelo pomembno, kako z njimi ravnamo. Najnovejše strategije gospodarjenja z odpadki so naravnane k zmanjševanju količine odpadkov, ponovni uporabi in predelavi odpadkov ter k okolju primerni odpravi odpadkov. S pomočjo hierarhije odpadkov lahko učinkoviteje stremimo k zmanjšanju onesnaževanja okolja zaradi odpadkov in k oblikovanju sistemov brez odpadkov. Prioriteta današnjega gospodarstva bi morala biti krožna ekonomija, katere cilj je ohraniti čim večjo vrednost izdelkov in materialov. Učinkovit odnos do okolja je treba graditi že zgodaj. Šolstvo in z njim tudi učni sistem igra pri tem veliko vlogo. Pri različnih predmetih so prisotne teme in vsebine, ki so povezane z okoljsko problematiko onesnaževanja. V času šolanja pridobijo učenci dovolj teoretične podlage o varovanju okolja, premalo pa je tega prenesenega v prakso. Tehnika in tehnologija je takšen predmet, pri katerem učenci veliko časa praktično delajo, zaradi tega bi bil idealen za praktično učenje na področju ponovne uporabe. Izkaže se, da je ponovne uporabe materialov pri pouku tehnike zelo malo. To lahko pripisujemo večji zahtevnosti pouka, precejšnji meri prilagodljivosti, pridobivanju že uporabljenih materialov in izdelkov. Zato so v diplomskem delu predstavljeni primeri dobrih praks, nekateri pristopi ozaveščanja učencev o onesnaževanju ter načini ponovne uporabe.


odpadki;gospodarjenje z odpadki;ponovna raba;recikliranje materialov;pouk tehnike in tehnologije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Kogoj]
UDC: 62:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 12610121 Link will open in a new window
Views: 352
Downloads: 46
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Re-use of materials in technology and engineering lessons
Secondary abstract: In this dissertation we discuss the theme of reuse materials in the class of design and technolgy. The main method in the gathering of the information is collecting and studying the literature, descriptive method of tehnical articals and analizing nd interpretation of results. Society that we live in is very consumable. For living we need a lot of energy and diffeent sources. All the side negative products that is created along the way are polluting the enviroment in which we live in. In this disseration we firstly define the waste and how it is produced and secondly what type of wastes there is. At today's quantity of waste the really important thing is how we deal with them. The latest strategies of managing waste are set to reduce the waste, reuse of the waste, recycling waste and how to destruct the waste environment friendly. With the help of heirarchy of the waste we can be more effective in regards of not polutting the environment so much and how to plan systems that can work withouth making waste. Priority of nowadays managment should be circulate economy, the goal of its is to preserve the biggest value of products and materials as possible. Thee key to the effective and good relationship to the environment is to start early. School systems and learning through the play are having a big imapact on that. In different subjects there are problems and contents that are regarding environmental issues. In the years of studying pupils get the teoretical facts but not enough of practical knowledge. Technic and technology is that kind of subject where pupils are spending a lot of time practicaly working, which means that this subject would be ideal. We can see that there is not enough of reusing the material in classes. We can assume that this is because of the more difficult classes, considerable flexibilty, gathering the already used materials and products etc. That is way in this disseration we will discuss sxamples of good practice, some of the approaches to teach pupils about pollution and also the way to reuse.
Secondary keywords: engineering;primary education;tehnika;osnovnošolski pouk;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Dvopredmetni učitelj: Matematika-tehnika
Pages: IV, 43 str.
ID: 11234318