diplomsko delo
Jan Grum (Author), Sonja Hlebš (Reviewer), Nejka Potočnik (Mentor), Miroljub Jakovljević (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Pripomočki za samomasažo so v zadnjem času zelo popularni, eden izmed njih je pripomoček za lokalno mehansko vibracijo Tobiar. Z njegovo uporabo naj bi odpravili kronične bolečine v zapestjih, ramenih in vratu. Naprava omogoča masažo z dvema stopnjema. Prva stopnja ima frekvenco 64 Hz, druga stopnja pa ima frekvenco 82 Hz. V raziskavi smo proučevali vpliv lokalne mehanske vibracije na nekatere lokalne in sistemske fiziološke dejavnike med uporabo računalniške miške. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil preveriti vpliv vibracijskega aparata na kožni pretok krvi, temperaturo, žilno prevodnost in oksigenacijo tkiva na prstu in podlakti ter na prevodnost živca medianus. Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 18 preiskovancev (9 moških in 9 žensk). Protokol je bil pri vsakem preiskovancu sestavljen iz naslednjih elementov a) namestitev senzorjev, b) merjenje hitrosti prevajanja živca medianus, c) izvajanje meritev: prva meritev 5 minut brez vibracij, druga meritev 5 minut z vibracijami na stopnji 1, tretja meritev 5 minut z vibracijami na stopnji 2, d) ponovno merjenje prevodnosti živca. Med meritvami (c) je preiskovanec na računalniku igral igro Minolovec, s tem smo simulirali uporabo miške v vsakdanjem življenju in dobili želen položaj roke na miški. Med meritvami smo spremljali kožni pretok krvi in kožno temperaturo, arterijski krvni tlak, EKG in oksigenacijo tkiva. Rezultati: Do statistično pomembnih razlik je prišlo pri kožnem pretoku krvi na podlakti nevibrirane roke saj se je povečal iz 7,76 (0,73) PU na 9,29 (0,9) PU (p=0,002) in nato na 9,69 (1,04) PU (p=0,004). Prav tako je do statistično pomembnih sprememb prišlo pri žilni prevodnosti na podlakti nevibrirane roke, kjer se je žilna prevodnost povišala iz 0,09 (0,043) PU/mmHg na 0,1 (0,05) PU/mmHg (p=0,002) in nato na 0,1 (0,06) PU/mmHg (p=0,004). Pri oksigenaciji tkiva je prišlo do statistično pomembnih sprememb tako distalno (iz 41,2 (2,1) mmHg na 44,0 (2,2) mmHg (p=0,002) in nato 46,0 (2,1) mmHg (p=0,003)) kot proksimalno (iz 39,5 (3,7) mmHg na 46,3 (3,3) mmHg (p=0,003) in nato 46,6 (3,0) mmHg (p=0,003). Drugje ni bilo statistično pomembnih razlik. Razprava in zaključek: Uporaba vibracijske naprave poveča kožni pretok krvi in žilno prevodnost na nevibrirani roki ter poveča oksigenacijo tkiva tako distalno kot proksimalno od naprave na vibrirani roki. Smiselno bi bilo izvesti raziskavo, kjer bi napravo uporabljali več dni zaporedoma po določenem protokolu, da bi dobili še bolj relevantne rezultate.


diplomska dela;fizioterapija;lokalna mehanska vibracija;kožni pretok krvi;žilna prevodnost;oksigenacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [J. Grum]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 5702251 Link will open in a new window
Views: 594
Downloads: 239
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effects of local vibration of dominant hand on some local and systemic physiological factors when working with a computer mouse
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Self-massage accessories have been very popular lately, one of which is the Tobiar local mechanical vibration accessory. Its use is intended to eliminate chronic pain in the wrists, shoulders and neck. The device provides two-stage massage. The first stage has a frequency of 64 Hz and the second stage has a frequency of 82 Hz. The study investigated the effect of local mechanical vibration on some local and systemic physiological factors when using a computer mouse. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma thesis was to check the influence of the vibrating apparatus on the skin blood flow, skin temperature, cutaneous vascular conduction and tissue oxygenation on the finger and forearms, as well as on nerve conduction of n. medianus. Methods: The study involved 18 subjects (9 men and 9 women). The protocol for each subject consisted of the following elements a) sensor placement, b) measurement of n. medianus conduction, c) measurement: first measurement 5 minutes without vibration, second measurement 5 minutes with vibration at stage 1, third measurement 5 minutes with vibration at stage 2, d) re-measurement of nerve conduction. During measurements (c), the subject played a Minesweeper game on the computer, simulating the use of the mouse in everyday life and getting the desired position of the hand on the mouse. During the measurements, skin blood flow and skin temperature, arterial blood pressure, ECG, and tissue oxygenation were monitored. Results: Statistically significant differences occurred in the skin blood flow on the forearms of the non-vibrating arm as it increased from 7.76 (0.73) PU to 9.29 (0.9) PU (p=0.002) and then to 9.69 ( 1.04) PU (p=0.004). There were also statistically significant differences in cutaneous vascular conductance on the forearm of the non-vibrating arm, where cutaneous vascular conductance increased from 0.09 (0.043) PU/mmHg to 0.1 (0.05) PU/mmHg (p=0.002), and then at 0.1 (0.06) PU/mmHg (p=0.004). There were statistically significant differences in tissue oxygenation distally (from 41.2 (2.1) mmHg to 44.0 (2.2) mmHg (p=0.002) and subsequently to 46.0 (2.1) mmHg (p=0.003)) as proximal (from 39.5 (3.7) mmHg to 46.3 (3.3) mmHg (p=0.003) and then 46.6 (3.0) mmHg (p=0.003). There were no statistically significant differences found elsewhere. Discussion and conclusion: Use of a vibrating device increases skin blood flow and cutaneous vascular conduction on the non-vibrating arm and increases tissue oxygenation both distally and proximally to the device on the vibrating arm. It would make sense to conduct a study using the device for several consecutive days following a particular protocol to obtain even more results that are relevant.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;physiotherapy;local mechanical vibration;skin blood flow;vascular conductance;oxygenation;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za fizioterapijo
Pages: 25 str., [2] str. pril.
ID: 11235634