Kaja Stanković (Avtor), Miroljub Jakovljević (Recenzent), Nejka Potočnik (Mentor), Alan Kacin (Komentor)


Uvod: Uporaba športnih kompresijskih oblačil je postala v zadnjih letih zelo priljubljena. Proizvajalci navajajo številne pozitivne učinke, ki pa se povsem ne skladajo z izsledki raziskav. Zaradi uporabe različnih raziskovalnih protokolov in različnih vrst kompresijskih oblačil v trenutni literaturi primanjkuje enotnih ugotovitev. Glede na pregledano literaturo, je naša raziskava prva, ki je opazovala vpliv kompresijskih gamaš (KG) na kožni pretok krvi spodnjega uda v mirovanju in po telesnem naporu. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti vpliv kompresijske gamaše na kožno mikrocirkulacijo spodnjega uda v mirovanju in po telesnem naporu. Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 9 zdravih preiskovancev (4 ženske in 5 moških). Pri vsakem smo izvedli 2 meritvi: prva meritev je potekala brez uporabe kompresijskih gamaš (BKG) in druga s KG hkrati na obeh mečih. Postopek izvedbe je bil pri obeh meritvah enak in je obsegal 3 faze: 1) 10-minutno mirovanje v sedečem položaju, 2) zmeren telesni napor na cikloergometru in 3) 25 minut počitka po telesnem naporu. Med fazo mirovanja in počitka smo merili lokalni pretok krvi v koži z laser-doplersko metodo in temperaturo kože na akralnih in neakralnih predelih distalno od kompresije, spremljali smo arterijski krvni tlak, srčno frekvenco in temperaturo telesnega jedra. Med telesnim naporom smo spremljali le srčno frekvenco, preko katere smo ocenjevali stopnjo napora. Rezultati: V mirovanju se je kožni pretok krvi z uporabo KG na akralnem delu kože statistično značilno povečal z 56,51 ± 12,48 PU na 87,06 ± 15,93 PU (P = 0,04), na neakralnem pa z 6,76 ± 1,15 PU na 9,41 ± 1,54 PU (P = 0,04). V fazi počitka ni bilo statistično značilnih razlik v kožnem pretoku krvi z uporabo KG. Razprava in sklep: Uporaba KG poveča kožni pretok krvi na nogi v mirovanju sede, kar pomeni, da KG nasprotujejo venoarteriolarnemu refleksu. Nasprotno pa je po telesnem naporu kožni pretok krvi na akralni kot na neakralni koži neodvisen od uporabe KG. V prihodnje bi želeli odpraviti nekatere omejitve naše raziskave ter z metodo infrardeče spektroskopije ugotoviti še vpliv KG na oksigenacijo mišičnega tkiva.

Ključne besede

diplomska dela;fizioterapija;športna kompresijska oblačila;kompresijske gamaše;kožni pretok krvi;termoregulacija;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Založnik: [K. Stanković]
UDK: 615.8
COBISS: 5286251 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1236
Št. prenosov: 633
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: ǂThe ǂinfluence of compression calf sleeve on skin microcirculation of the lower limb at rest and after physical exercise
Sekundarni povzetek: Introduction: The use of sports compression garments has increased substantially in recent years. Manufacturers are increasingly marketing compression garments to athletes for their beneficial effects, which are not completely consistent with the research findings. Due to the use of various research protocols as well as different types of compression garments, the current literature is lacking uniform conclusions. According to the extensive literature review, the present study is the first to observe the influence of compression calf sleeve (CCS) on skin blood flow of the lower limb at rest and after physical exercise. Purpose: The aim of the study was to determine the effect of CCS on skin microcirculation of the lower limb at rest and after physical exercise. Methods: Nine healthy volunteers (4 women and 5 men) participated in the study. For each subject, two measurements were performed. The first measurement was carried out without the use of compression calf sleeves (NCCS) and the second with CCS, simultaneously on both calves. The experimental procedure was the same for both measurements and consisted of three phases: a 10-minute sitting resting position (1), a moderate physical exercise on cycloergometer (2) and a 25- minute recovery phase after physical exercise (3). During the first and the third phase, the local skin blood flow was measured by laser-Doppler method and the skin temperature was controlled on acral and non-acral skin parts distal from compression. All the while, the arterial blood pressure, the heart rate and the core body temperature were monitored. During the second phase, only the heart rate was being measured to assess the level of effort. Results: At rest, CCS statistically significant increased the skin blood flow in acral skin (from 56,51 ± 12,48 PU to 87,06 ± 15,93 PU; P = 0,04) as well as in non-acral skin areas (from 6,76 ± 1,15 PU to 9,41 ± 1,54 PU; P = 0,04) respectively. In the recovery phase, there were no statistically significant changes in the skin blood flow when using CCS. Discussion and conclusion: The use of CCS increased the skin blood flow of the lower limb in the sitting position at rest, which means that CCS oppose the veno-arteriolar reflex. On the contrary, after physical exertion, the skin blood flow of acral as well as non-acral skin is independent from CCS. In the future, we would like to eliminate some limitations of our study and determine the influence of CCS on muscle oxygenation with the method of near-infrared spectroscopy.
Sekundarne ključne besede: diploma theses;physiotherapy;sports compression garments;compression calf sleeve;skin blood flow;thermoregulation;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Dipl. delo (bolonjski študij), Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za fizioterapijo
Strani: 41 str., [2] str. pril.
ID: 10850398