magistrsko delo
Anja Blažič (Author), Valentina Usenik (Mentor)


Z namenom, da določimo optimalno zrelost plodov češnje (Prunus avium L.) kolekcije Sweet, smo proučevali pomološke lastnosti sort 'Sweet Aryana', 'Sweet Lorenz', 'Sweet Gabriel', 'Sweet Valina' in 'Sweet Saretta'. Plodove smo vzorčili v Sadjarskem centru Bilje v letu 2018. Za vsako opazovano sorto smo ob vzorčenju naključno izbrali 25 plodov ter jih na podlagi barvne lestvice CTIFL razvrstili v zrelostne razrede, pri čemer CTIFL z večjo številko pomeni bolj temno rdeče obarvane plodove. Plodovom smo izmerili maso, širino, višino in debelino, trdoto ploda, barvo kožice in mesa (parametre L*, a*, b*, C in h°), pH soka, vsebnost topne suhe snovi in vsebnost skupnih titracijskih kislin. Izmerili smo maso koščice in izračunali delež užitnega dela plodu. Izračunali smo razmerje topna suha snov/titracijske kisline. Z degustiranjem smo ocenili čvrstost kožice in mesa, razmerje sladko-kislo, sočnost mesa, aromo in okus, vizualno pa smo ocenili barvo mesa in barvo soka. Masa ploda, dimenzije ploda in vsebnost topne suhe snovi je bila pri večjem CTIFL večja, trdota ploda ter vrednosti parametrov barve kožice in mesa so bile pri večjem CTIFL manjše, vsebnost titracijskih kislin pa so bile večinoma podobne. Ugotovili smo, da je sorto 'Sweet Aryana' najbolje obrati v CTIFL 4, 'Sweet Lorenz' in 'Sweet Gabriel' pri vrednosti CTIFL 6, 'Sweet Valina' in 'Sweet Saretta' pa v zrelostnem razredu CTIFL 5. Sorte so v teh razredih imele najbolj čvrsto kožico in meso, ustrezno maso ploda z dobro vsebnostjo topne suhe snovi in titracijskih kislin.


sadjarstvo;češnja;Prunus avium;zorenje;plod;masa;trdota;barva;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [A. Blažič]
UDC: 634.232:631.547.3(043.2)
COBISS: 9332345 Link will open in a new window
Views: 751
Downloads: 183
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Determination of appropriate maturity of sweet collection of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.)
Secondary abstract: In order to determine the optimum maturity stage of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) fruit of the Sweet collection, the pomological properties of cultivars 'Sweet Aryana', 'Sweet Lorenz', 'Sweet Gabriel', 'Sweet Valina' and 'Sweet Saretta' were studied. Fruit were sampled at the Fruit growing center Bilje in 2018. For each observed cultivar, 25 fruit were randomly sampled and categorized into maturity classes on the basis of the CTIFL color scale, where CTIFL with a larger number indicating darker red colored fruit. Fruit weight, width, height and thickness, firmness, skin and flesh color (parameters L*, a*, b*, C and h°), pH of fruit juice, soluble solids content and content of titratable acid were measured. The fruit stone was weightened to define the edible part of the fruit. The ratio soluble solids content/titratable acid was calculated. Firmness of the skin and flesh, the ratio sweet/sour, the juiciness of the flesh, the aroma and the taste were estimated by fruit tasting. Color of the flesh and juice was assessed visually. Fruit weight, fruit dimensions and soluble solids content were generally higher, firmness, skin and flesh color parameters were lower in CTIFL with higher number, but titratable acids were generally similar. We found that cultivar 'Sweet Aryana' should be harvested in CTIFL 4, 'Sweet Lorenz' and 'Sweet Gabriel' in CTIFL 6, 'Sweet Valina' and 'Sweet Saretta' in CTIFL 5. Cultivars in those classes had higher firmness, an adequate fruit weight with a good content of soluble solids and titratable acids.
Secondary keywords: fruit growing;sweet cherry;ripening;fruit;weight;firmness;colour;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: IX, 49 f.
ID: 11255881