magistrsko delo
David Jakopič (Author), Primož Pori (Reviewer), Marta Bon (Consultant), Marko Šibila (Mentor)


Namen in cilji: Osnovni namen in cilj preučevanja magistrskega dela je bil s pomočjo zbranih podatkov in video analize tekem analizirati vse tekme moške slovenske rokometne reprezentance, ugotoviti pri katerih strukturnih elementih se pojavljajo statistično značilne razlike med posameznimi časovnimi obdobji, ugotoviti, ali ima moška slovenska rokometna reprezentanca v katerem časovnem obdobju tekme nihanja v igri in v katerem časovnem obdobju največkrat. Metodologija: Na spletni strani Mednarodne rokometne zveze smo zbrali uradne podatke, ki jih je odigrala moška slovenska reprezentanca na svetovnem prvenstvu 2017 v Franciji in jih analizirali. Vzorec je predstavljalo 9 tekem. Naša reprezentanca je 6 tekem zmagala, 2 tekmi izgubila ter 1 tekmo igrala neodločeno. Iz uradne statistike smo izbrali 17 spremenljivk, ki smo jih razdelili na parametre, povezane z aktivnostmi v napadu in na parametre, povezane z aktivnostmi v obrambi. Iz izbranih parametrov smo izoblikovali hipoteze, ki smo jih v nadaljevanju poskušali potrditi oz. ovreči. S pomočjo računalniškega programskega paketa za statistiko (SPSS) smo za vse parametre izračunali osnovne statistične značilnosti in testno statistiko. Glede na rezultate Shapiro-Wilkovega testa normalnosti porazdelitve in Levenovega testa homogenosti varianc smo nadalje z ANOVO oziroma Brown-Forsythovim testom ugotavljali razlike med skupinami. Ugotovitve dela: Pri nobenem izmed preiskovanih parametrov nismo ugotovili statistično značilnih razlik med 10-minutnimi odseki tekem. V veliki meri smo to pripisali majhnemu vzorcu tekem (9), kljub temu pa smo z opisno statistiko podali nekaj značilnosti igre naše reprezentance in njenih nasprotnikov. Slovenija je bila precej učinkovita, saj je imela na turnirju podpovprečno število napadov in strelov ob tem pa nadpovprečno število zadetkov. Predvsem je bila nadpovprečno učinkovita s krilnih položajev in prodorov, kar nakazuje na hitro in prodorno igro v napadu. Prav tako to dokazuje tudi nadpovprečno število asistenc v primeru zmage. Kadar je slovenska moška rokometna reprezentanca tekmo izgubila, je bil predvsem uvod (0–10 min) v tekmo tisti, kjer je bila Slovenija najmanj učinkovita v smislu doseženih golov (2,5).


šport;rokomet;svetovna prvenstva;svetovno prvenstvo 2017;moški;slovenska rokometna reprezentanca;tehnika;napad;cilji;taktika;individualne taktične aktivnosti;kolektivna taktika;analiza igre;parametri igralne učinkovitosti;razlike med strukturnimi elementi;različna časovna obdobja tekme;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [D. Jakopič]
UDC: 796.322
COBISS: 5613489 Link will open in a new window
Views: 643
Downloads: 206
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The comparison of occurance of structural elements in a hanball play in different periods of a match
Secondary abstract: The purpose and goals: The main purpose and goal of my master's thesis was to analyse all matches of Slovenia national men's handball team using the collected data and video analyses of the matches and to determine which structural elements show statistically significant differences between different time periods. Further on, we wanted to determine if the team has deviations in its game and in which period of a game they most frequently occur. Methodology: From The International Handball Federation's website we have gathered and analysed the official data of the games played by the Slovenia men's national team at the 2017 Men’s Handball World Championship in France. The sample comprised of nine matches. Our national team won six matches, lost two, one match ended in a tie. Seventeen variables were chosen from the official statistics and we divided them into parameters related to activities in the attack and activities in the defence. Hypotheses were formed on the basis of the selected parameters which we later tried to confirm or reject. Using the computer software for statistics (SPSS) we calculated basic statistical characteristics for all the parameters and a test statistic. Based on the results of Shapiro – Wilk test of normality of distribution and Levene's test of homogeneity of variance, ANOVA or Brown Forsythe test was later used to determine the differences between the groups. Findings: None of the analysed parameters showed statistically significant differences between the 10 minutes sections of the match. This can be attributed to a small sample of matches (9). However, with the help of descriptive statistic, we have provided a few game characteristics of our national team and its opponents. Slovenian team was quite effective because it had an under average number of attacks and shots at the tournament but at the same time an above average number of scored goals. It was most effective from wing positions and penetrations, suggesting a fast and penetrating attack. The latter also proves an above average number of assists in the case of a win. When Slovenian team lost a match, it was mostly the opening period (1-10 min) when it was the least efficient in the goals scored (2, 5).
Secondary keywords: sport;handball;Men's Handball World Championship 2017;Slovenia men's national team;parameters of game effeciveness;game analysis;differences bitween structural elements;different time periods of a match;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Pages: 75 str.
ID: 11257664