magistrsko delo
Matej Šavel (Avtor), Primož Pori (Recenzent), Marta Bon (Konzultant), Marko Šibila (Mentor)


Namen in cilji: Namen magistrske naloge je ugotoviti razlike v igralni učinkovitosti med zmagovalci, poraženci in ekipami, ki so igrale neodločeno na rokometnem SP 2017 za moške. Cilj je bil zbrati uradne podatke vseh odigranih tekem in jih statistično obdelati. S pomočjo dobljenih rezultatov smo želeli prikazati pri katerih parametrih igralne učinkovitosti se pojavljajo statistično značilne razlike med testiranimi skupinami. Z rezultati analize smo prišli do zaključkov, kaj so bistvene značilnosti razlik med bolj in manj uspešnimi ekipami. Metodologija: Na spletni strani Mednarodne rokometne zveze smo zbrali uradne podatke z vseh odigranih tekem in jih analizirali. Vzorec vseh tekem je predstavljajo 84 tekem prvenstva, (kar pomeni 168 končnih izidov), ki so bile odigrane na SP 2017 v Franciji. Na osnovi končnih izidov smo ekipe razdelili na tri podskupine na zmagovalce, poražence in ekipe, ki so igrale neodločeno. 81 tekem (48,2 %) se je končalo z zmago ene in porazom druge, z neodločenim pa so se končale tri tekme (3,6 %). Iz uradne statistike smo izbrali 17 spremenljivk, ki smo jih razdelili na parametre, povezane z aktivnostmi v napadu in na parametre, povezane z aktivnostmi v obrambi. Iz izbranih parametrov smo izoblikovali hipoteze, ki smo jih v nadaljevanju poskušali potrditi oz. ovreči. S pomočjo računalniškega programskega paketa za statistiko (SPSS), smo za vse parametre izračunali osnovne statistične značilnosti in testno statistiko. Glede na rezultate testa normalnosti porazdelitve in homogenosti varianc, smo nadalje z ANOVO ali Brown-Forsythovim testom ugotavljali razlike med skupinami. Pri parametrih, pri katerih smo ugotovili, da obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike, smo s pomočjo testa LSD post hoc ugotavljali, med katerimi podskupinami prihaja do teh statistično pomembnih razlik. S pomočjo testne statistike smo ugotovili razlike v igralni učinkovitosti med zmagovalci, poraženci in ekipami, ki so igrale neodločeno. Ugotovitve dela: Pri naslednjih parametrih smo ugotovili, da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike med zmagovalci, poraženci in ekipami, ki so igrale neodločeno: skupno število strelov, skupno število golov, število golov s črte šestih metrov na sredini, število golov s krilnih položajev, število golov iz protinapada, število asistenc, število tehničnih napak, število odvzetih žog, število blokiranih strelov in število vratarjevih obramb.

Ključne besede

šport;rokomet;svetovna prvenstva;Mednarodna rokometna zveza;moški;Svetovno prvenstvo v rokometu 2017;struktura igre;sodobni model;uspešnost moštva;tekmovalna učinkovitost;analiza;statistični podatki;igralna učinkovitost;testna statistika;statistično značilne razlike;zmagovalci;poraženci;neodločeni;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL FŠ - Fakulteta za šport
Založnik: [M. Šavel]
UDK: 796.322
COBISS: 5320369 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 886
Št. prenosov: 393
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Differences in play efficiency between winners, losers and teams that ended their game at Men's Handball World Championship 2017 with a tie
Sekundarni povzetek: Purpose and goals: The purpose of this Master Thesis is to figure out the differences in play efficiency between winners, losers and those teams that ended their game at Men's Handball World Championship 2017 with a tie. The goal was to collect official data of all the matches and to statistically analyse it. With the help of end results, we wanted to show, in which parameters of play efficiency can we get statistically significant differences among the tested groups. With the help of our results, we can figure out, which are the main characteristics of differences among more and less successful teams. Methodology: We collected the data of all the played games with the help of International Handball Federation’s website and then we analysed it. Our sample consisted of 84 championship matches, which means 168 results of all the games that were played at the World Championship in 2017. Based on the end results, we divided the teams into winners, losers and the teams that ended their game with a tie. Among those there were 81 winners (48,2 %), 81 losers (48,2 %) and six teams (3,6 %) that ended their match with a tie. With the help of official statistics we chose 17 variables and divided them into parameters that were connected with offence activities and those that were connected with defence activities. With the help of chosen parameters we formed a few hypothesis that we later on confirmed or rejected. We analysed the data using computer statistics software program (SPSS) – calculated all the parameters’ basic statistical characteristics and test statistics. Based on the results of normality distribution test and homogeneity of variance, we continued with the ANOVA and Brown-Forsythe test, with the help of which we wanted to figure out the differences among the groups. In case of parameters, in which we found statistically significant differences, we wanted to determine, with the help of the LSD post hoc test, in what subgroups exactly does this occur. Using test statistics, we also determined the play efficiency among winners, losers and those teams that ended their matches with a tie. Findings: We found out statistically significant differences between winners, losers and those teams that ended their matches with a tie among the following parameters: the total number of shots, the total number of scored goals, the number of goals from the six meter line, the number of goals from the wing position, the number of goals made from the counterattack, the number of assists, the number of technical errors, the number of taken balls, the number of blocked shots and the number of goalkeeper’s defences.
Sekundarne ključne besede: sport;handball;Men's Handball World Championship 2017;play efficiency;test statistics;statistically significant differences;winners;losers;tied games;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Strani: 74 f.
ID: 10937949