magistrsko delo
Katja Smrdel Zafred (Author), Cveto Kobal (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na raziskave Franceta Marolta o glasbenih narečjih slovenskega prostora oziroma tako imenovanih nazvočjih. Iz petih nazvočij smo izbrali pet ljudskih pesmi, ki izvirajo iz posameznega nazvočja in jih instrumentirali za izbrane inštrumente Orffovega instrumentarija z dodanimi še nekaterimi drugimi. Cilj je poustvariti ljudske pesmi za najmlajše in malo starejše osnovnošolce in jim tako približati slovensko ljudsko pesem. S preprostostjo notnega zapisa smo želeli h glasbeni poustvarjalnosti pritegniti otroke, pa tudi njihove mentorje, saj se je v praksi izkazalo, da se nemalokrat tudi sami mentorji v osnovnih šolah prestrašijo notnih zapisov in zaradi tega prvotno željo po poustvarjanju kmalu opustijo, pri čemer so spet oškodovani otroci. Osvetlili smo delo posameznikov, skupin in društev, ki so in še skrbijo za to, da naše ljudsko glasbeno izročilo ne gre v pozabo, ampak ga na različne načine popularizirajo in približajo ljudem.


magistrska dela;slovenska ljudska pesem;France Marolt;Zmaga Kumer;priredba;Orffov instrumentarij;Marolt;France;1891-1951;Kumer;Zmaga;1924-2008;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Smrdel Zafred]
UDC: 78:39(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 25048840 Link will open in a new window
Views: 800
Downloads: 168
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Adaptations of Slovene folk songs for the Orff instrumentarium on the basis of Marolt's musical dialects
Secondary abstract: In the post-graduate work we have focused on France Marolt's researches of the dialects of music in Slovenia or the so-called musical dialects. We've selected five folk songs from five musical dialects which originate from a single musical dialect and we instrumentated them for the chosen instruments of the Orff's instrumentarium with some added instruments. The goal was to re-create popular songs for the youngest and older primary school students in order to raise awareness of the Slovenian folk songs. We wanted to attract children and their mentors with the simplicity of music sheets, as it turned out in practice that mentors in schools are sometimes not at ease with music sheets. Because of this they give up their original desire to create while the children are the ones who are deprived. We have also shed light on the work of individuals, groups, and societies which have taken care of our folk musical heritage so it doesn't go into oblivion but gets popular and closer to people in different ways.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Slovenian folk song;France Marolt;Zmaga Kumer;adaptation;Orff instrumentarium;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za glasbeno pedagogiko
Pages: X, 72 str.
ID: 11316634