analiza primera
Za podjetja je ključnega pomena, da imajo urejene informacijske sisteme v podjetju. Saj le tako lahko ostanejo uspešna in konkurenčna ter skrbijo za svoj ugled. Informacijski sistemi omogočajo podjetjem, da imajo celovit pogled nad strankami, na voljo lahko imajo podatke v trenutku, ko jih potrebujejo in tako lahko hitro odreagirajo na želje in zahteve strank. Informacijski sistem omogoča shranjevanje in obdelovanje podatkov, komuniciranje, dokumentiranje ter lažje in hitrejše odločanje. Podjetje mora izbrati takšen informacijski sistem, ki bo zadovoljil njihove zahteve in pričakovanja.
Prvo poglavje predstavlja opis področja ter opredelitev problema. Predstavili bomo namen magistrske naloge, njene cilje ter hipoteze raziskave. Za vsako hipotezo bomo predstavili na kakšen način jo bomo preverili. Opisali bomo predvidene metode, ki jih bomo v nadaljevanju uporabili. Zabeležili bomo tudi predpostavke in omejitve magistrske naloge.
V drugem poglavju se bomo osredotočili na informacijske sisteme, podrobno jih bomo opredelili, predstavili bomo kako so se razvili in kakšen je bil njihov začetek. Predstavili bomo življenjski cikel informacijskega sistema. Navedli bomo delitve, vrste, elemente in sestavine informacijskega sistema. Povedali bomo kakšen je namen in vloga informacijskega sistema, ter kakšen je učinkovit informacijski sistem. Nekaj pozornosti bomo namenili tudi varnosti in zaščiti informacijskega sistema. Na koncu tega poglavja bomo podrobno opredelili informacijske procese ter njihove podprocese.
Tretje poglavje je namenjeno, da spoznamo klicne centre, torej kaj sploh so klicni centri, kakšna je vloga klicnih centrov in na kakšen način delujejo. Predstavili bomo kako so se klicni centri pričeli razvijati, torej njihovo zgodovino. Predstavili bomo značilnosti dobrega klicnega centra in kakšna tehnologija se uporablja v klicnih centrih. Poznamo več vrst klicnih centrov, zato jih bomo prav tako predstavili.
V četrtem poglavju bomo opredelili pojem poslovni proces. Opisali bomo elemente poslovnih procesov in kako lahko delimo poslovne procese. Predstavili bomo kako poteka prenova poslovnih procesov. Prav tako bomo pa v tem poglavju tudi opisali informacijske sisteme z vidika poslovnega procesa.
Peto poglavje zajema analizo zahtev in pričakovanj. Najprej bomo predstavili podjetje Alsa-line d.o.o., ter njihov večnamenski čistilni aparat s katerim trgujejo. Podrobno bomo analizirali poslovne procese v tem podjetju. Izvedli bomo intervjuje z uslužbenci podjetja Alsa-line, ki delajo v klicnem centru, na ta način bomo pridobili njihove zahteve in pričakovanja v povezavi z obstoječim informacijskim sistemom.
V zadnjem šestem poglavju bomo opredelili programsko opremo, ki je namenjena podpori klicnim centrom. Predstavili bomo povezave med klicnimi centri in tehnologijo, ter razmerje med njimi. Predstavili bomo tehnologije in sisteme klicnega centra. Podrobno bomo opisali obstoječi informacijski sistem First Call, ki ga uporabljajo v klicnem centru podjetja Alsa-line. Prav tako bomo podrobno predstavili izbrano rešitev Intrix CRM, ki je bila zasnovana s strani podjetja Intera d.o.o. Predtavili bomo tudi podjetje Intera d.o.o. Na koncu bomo primerjali oba izbrana sistema med seboj, ter na podlagi zahtev in pričakovanj uslužbencev klicnega centra podjetja Alsa-line poskušali ugotoviti, ali je rešitev Intrix CRM primerna za njih, in ali bi jim omogočila odpravo težav, s katerimi se trenutno srečujejo.
informacijski sistemi;poslovni procesi;klicni centri;Intrix CRM;First call;primerjalna analiza;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2020 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
[R. Tetičkovič] |
UDC: |
004.77(043.2) |
Views: |
695 |
Downloads: |
98 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Requirements and expectations analysis for a call centre information system |
Secondary abstract: |
Appropriate IT system are vital for modern companies. They enable companies to coherently execute business processes, keep up with the competition, and manage their reputation. IT systems allow companies to keep a comprehensive overview of their clients, retrieve data in a matter of seconds, and be able to quickly respond to client wishes and requirements. IT systems enable data storage and processing, communication, documentation, and support decision-making processes. Companies are well advised to choose IT systems that match their requirements and expectations.
Chapter one of this master’s thesis outlines the research area and defines the research problem. It specifies the purpose, objectives and research hypotheses. For each hypothesis, we illustrate the verification methods and set out the assumptions and the limitations of the thesis.
Chapter two focuses on IT systems, providing a detailed definition of IT systems, and tracing their development through time. Furthermore, thesis presents the life cycle of an IT system. We specify the classifications, types, elements and components of IT systems. We explain the purpose and role of an IT system, and what it means that an IT system is effective. Additionally, a brief description of the security and safety of IT systems is presented. At the end of the chapter, a detailed definition of IT processes and sub-processes is provided.
Chapter three elaborated call centres: what they are, the role of call centres, and how they work. We outline their development and their history. We describe how efficient call centres look like and the technology they use. There are several types of call centres, which are explained in detail.
Chapter four defines the term business process. The elements and structure of business processes are examined. In addition, we represent the redesign of business processes. This chapter also describes IT systems in terms of a business process.
Chapter five analyses requirements and expectations. First, we introduce the company Alsa-line d.o.o., and the multi-purpose cleaning device the company distributes. This is followed by an analysis of business processes in the company. Interviews with the Alsa-line call centre employees of are analysed to examine their requirements and expectations in connection with the existing IT system.
Chapter six lays down the software designed to support call centres. We illustrate the connections between call centres and technology, and their relationships. Moreover, we present technologies and systems of a call centre. We proceed with a detailed description of the existing First Call system used by Alsa-line. Further, we look into the solution Intrix CRM designed by Intera d.o.o., and provide a brief description of Intera. Finally, a comparison between the two systems. Based on the requirements and expectations of the call centre of Alsa-line we examine whether Intrix CRM would be a suitable solution and if it would eliminate the issues the call centre currently struggles with. |
Secondary keywords: |
IT systems;business processes;call centres;Intrix CRM;First Call;comparative analysis; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
III, 85 str. |
ID: |
11327405 |