diplomsko delo
Borut Olenik (Author), Rok Rupnik (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu sem se osredotočil na pregled tehnik poslovne analize za področje poslovne inteligence, kot so opredeljene po standardu BABoK (Business Analysis Body of Knowledge - Vodnik po poslovni analizi). V delu bom opisal kaj je glavni namen vpeljave poslovne inteligence v organizacije. Kakšna znanja in kompetence naj bi imel poslovni analitik za izvajanje poslovne analize. Kako lahko s tehnikami poslovne analize na področju poslovne inteligence, izboljšamo pridobivanje in razumevanje zahtev podanih s strani poslovnih uporabnikov. Katere tehnike se v določeni fazi poslovne analize za področje poslovne inteligence najbolj uporabne. S pravilnim izvajanjem tehnik poslovne analize zagotavljamo, da se spremembe v poslovanju organizaciji, hitro in učinkovito implementirane v rešitvah poslovne inteligence. Rezultat diplomske naloge je pregled tehnik poslovne analize za potrebe poslovne inteligence ter prikaz dodane vrednosti poznavanja in ustreznega izvajanja tehnik poslovne analize na tem področju.


poslovna analiza;poslovni analitik;poslovna inteligenca;podatkovno skladišče;računalništvo;računalništvo in informatika;visokošolski strokovni študij;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
Publisher: [B. Olenik]
UDC: 004(043.2)
COBISS: 1538503107 Link will open in a new window
Views: 616
Downloads: 154
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The analysis of buiness analysis techniques when used for business intelligence
Secondary abstract: In the thesis I am describing the business analysis techniques used in the perspective of business intelligence as they are referenced in BABoK (Business Analysis Book of Knowledge). My main focus in thesis is what is purpose of implementing business intelligence in organizations. What competences and knowledge should business analyst have to conduct business analysis for business intelligence successfully. How business analyst with knowledge of techniques can perform better when eliciting needs, requirements and what he can do to understand them and use them in the whole process of implementation of business intelligence. In the document I will also define which techniques are mostly used in specific part of business analysis. In the thesis I also describe that with right approach to the business analysis there is a guarantee that business intelligence can be implemented quickly and efficiently. Thesis outcome is overview of techniques used by business analyst in the perspective of business intelligence and what impact knowing of techniques have for better results.
Secondary keywords: business analysis;business analyst;business intelligence;data warehouse;computer science;computer and information science;diploma;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000470
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za računalništvo in informatiko
Pages: 83 str.
ID: 11341039