diplomsko delo
Darinka Urbanc (Author), Ruža Pandel Mikuš (Reviewer), Darja Ovijač (Mentor), Jožica Peterka-Novak (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Zdravstvena obravnava pacientov z anoreksijo nervozo je zahtevna. V zvezi z njo se pojavlja veliko etičnih vprašanj, še posebej v primeru zdravljenja brez pacientove privolitve in ogroženosti njegovega življenja. Pomembno je, da zdravstveni delavci s pacientom vzpostavijo terapevtski odnos, ki temelji na zaupanju, ter pri tem izkazujejo svojo strokovnost. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opredeliti zdravstveno obravnavo pacientov z anoreksijo nervozo z vidika etike ter ugotoviti, s katerimi težavami in dilemami se pri tem srečujejo zdravstveni delavci, koliko so kompetentni obravnavati takšne paciente, ter ugotoviti, kako zdravstveno obravnavo anoreksije nervoze doživljajo pacienti. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela na podlagi sistematičnega pregleda domače in tuje literature preko oddaljenega dostopa Digitalne knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani (DiKUL) ter podatkovnih baz MedLine, PubMed, CINAHL, Nursing Ethics, Journal of Eating Disorders in Science Direct. Iskanje člankov smo omejili na časovni okvir, in sicer od leta 2002 do leta 2019. Na seznam literature smo vključili članke, ki so se navezovali na anoreksijo nervozo, zdravstveno obravnavo in etiko. Rezultati: Nerazumevanje bolezni, pomanjkanje znanja in izkušenj ter težave pri vzpostavljanju terapevtskega odnosa so zdravstvenim delavcem pri obravnavi pacientov z anoreksijo nervozo največkrat izziv. Pacienti dojemajo zdravljenje anoreksije kot travmatično izkušnjo. Zdravstveni delavci morajo vzpostaviti ustrezno terapevtsko okolje, v katerem se posameznik počuti sprejetega in varnega. To pa lahko vzpostavijo le z ustreznim terapevtskim odnosom. Razprava in zaključek: Zdravstveni delavci morajo biti ustrezno strokovno usposobljeni, da zagotovijo ustrezno zdravstveno oskrbo ter pri tem pacientu nudijo čustveno in socialno podporo. Pomanjkanje strokovnega znanja s področja obravnave pacienta z anoreksijo nervozo otežuje zdravstveno obravnavo. Zdravstveni delavci imajo pri tem stiske, zato jim je treba zagotoviti ustrezen izobraževalni program s področja etike.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;anoreksija nervoza;zdravstvena obravnava;etika;psihiatrija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [D. Urbanc]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 5782891 Link will open in a new window
Views: 701
Downloads: 243
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Ethical aspects of clinical management of patients with anorexia nervosa
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Medical management of anorexia nervosa is difficult. There are many ethical questions, especially in the case of the treatment without the patient's consent and the threat to his life. It is important for healthcare professionals to establish a trust-based therapeutic relationship with the patient and reflect their expertise. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to determine the ethical aspects of treatment of patients with anorexia nervosa on the basis of ethical considerations, and to identify the issues and dilemmas that healthcare professionals face during treatment, how competent they are for treating such patients, and to determine how patients with anorexia nervosa behave toward the treatment. Methods: A descriptive method of work was used based on a systematic review of domestic and foreign literature, which was sought in the Digital Library of the University of Ljubljana (DiKUL) and the databases MedLine, PubMed, CINAHL, Nursing Ethics, Journal of Eating Disorders, and Science Direct. We restricted the search for articles to a time frame from 2002 to 2019. We included articles in the literature that were related to anorexia nervosa, health care, and ethics. Results: The lack of understanding of the eating disorder, lack of knowledge and experience, and difficulties in establishing a therapeutic relationship for healthcare professionals in dealing with patients with anorexia nervosa, are the most common challenges. Patients are perceiving the treatment of anorexia as a traumatic experience. Healthcare professionals need to establish a proper therapeutic environment in which the patient feels accepted and safe. However, they can only do this by listening to them and understanding their problems. Discussion and conclusion: Healthcare professionals need to have sufficient professional competence and knowledge to provide appropriate medical care in an ethical manner and within it providing the patient an emotional and social support that a patient needs to feel. The lack of knowledge in the field of proper approach to patients with anorexia nervosa makes it difficult for them to treat such patients. Health workers have their own hardships, so they need to be provided with an appropriate ethics training program.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing care;nervosa;health care;ethics;psychiatry;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 36 str.
ID: 11417791