doktorska disertacija
Tina Unuk (Author), Tine Grebenc (Mentor), Miha Humar (Thesis defence commission member), Hojka Kraigher (Thesis defence commission member), Irena Maček (Thesis defence commission member)


Poznavanje ektomikoriznih (ECM) simbiontov bele jelke do zdaj po večini temelji na morfološko-anatomskih opisih tipov ektomikorize ali pojavljanju trosnjakov. Ektomikoriza bele jelke v Sloveniji še ni bila ciljno raziskana. V okviru raziskave smo na treh klimatološko in pedološko različnih vzorčnih ploskvah v obdobju dveh let v rastnih sezonah enkrat mesečno vzorčili drobne korenine bele jelke in jih analizirali z morfološko-anatomsko metodo. Na podlagi opaženih morfološko-anatomskih lastnosti tipov ektomikorize smo ločili posamezne tipe ektomikorize in jih v naslednjem koraku identificirali še z analizo molekularnih markerjev. Z uporabljenimi pristopi smo ločili 86 tipov ektomikorize oziroma glivnih ECM-simbiontov in s tem prispevali k boljšemu poznavanju ECM-simbiontov bele jelke. Glede na do zdaj znane podatke smo kar 48 tipov ektomikorize v asociaciji z belo jelko identificirali prvič. V raziskavi so nas zanimali tudi vplivi abiotskih dejavnikov na vzorčnih ploskvah in načini, kako ti vplivajo na sestavo združb ECM-gliv in na njihove eksploracijske tipe. Potrdili smo statistično značilne razlike v sestavi združb ECM-gliv in v številčnosti eksploracijskih tipov ektomikorize med vzorčnimi ploskvami ter značilen vpliv nekaterih abiotskih dejavnikov tako na združbo ECM-simbiontov kot tudi na številčnost eksploracijskih tipov. Potrdili smo statistično značilno nihanje številčnosti tipov ECM-simbiontov ter eksploracijskih tipov med rastno sezono. V okviru raziskave smo vzpostavili lončni poskus za ugotavljanje, ali je bela jelka primeren ECM-gostitelj za nekatere vrste gomoljik (rod Tuber), in za ugotavljanje pomena deževnikov za uspešno mikorizacijo. Uspešnost mikorizacije v kontroliranih pogojih in vivo smo analizirali po 6 mesecih ter po enem letu od inokulacije s trosi vrst Tuber aestivum, T. borchii in T. melanosporum. Po enem letu od inokulacije smo potrdili, da je v naši študiji bela jelka primeren gostitelj gomoljike T. aestivum, ne pa tudi gomoljik T. borchii in T. melanosporum. Opazili pa smo negativen vpliv deževnikov na mikorizacijo in drobne korenine, kar kaže na pomanjkanje virov hrane in posledično objedanje koreninskih vršičkov.


ektomikoriza;bela jelka;časovne spremembe;abiotski dejavniki;eksploracijski tipi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL - University of Ljubljana
Publisher: [T. Unuk Nahberger]
UDC: 582.475.7:582.28:579.26:631.466:581.13(043.3)
COBISS: 9448569 Link will open in a new window
Views: 755
Downloads: 175
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Ectomycorrhizal symbionts of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.)
Secondary abstract: Knowledge of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) symbionts of silver fir is till date generally based on morphological-anatomical descriptions of ECM fruit bodies and/or ECM root tips, meanwhile ECM symbionts of silver fir in Slovenia have not been targeted analyzed. Within this research, silver fir’s fine roots were sampled at three climatologically and pedologically different sampling plots, where silver fir fine roots were sampled once per month during growth season, in a period of two years, and were further analyzed with stereo microscope and light microscope. Based on morphological-anatomical characteristics, individual ECM morphotypes were separated and further analyzed with molecular methods, for more reliable identification. In total, we identified 86 different ECM symbionts of silver fir, by which we contributed to better knowledge of silver fir ECM symbionts, as based on published data,48 ECM symbionts were in association with silver fir identified for the first time. We were also interested in possible significant effects of certain abiotic factors linked to individual sampling plot, on changes of ECM community composition as well as on abundances of individual exploration types. We confirmed statistically significant changes of ECM community composition and exploration types between sampled plots, by which we also confirmed significant effects of some abiotic factors as on ECM community composition as well as on abundances of exploration types. Also, statistically significant temporal changes of ECM species abundances and exploration types abundances were confirmed along to growing season. As a part of research, a pot experiment was established, by which silver fir as an appropriate host for commercially valuable truffles form genus Tuber was analyzed. Mycorrhization success in vitro was assessed after 6 months and after 1 year from spore inoculation with T. aestivum, T. borchii and T. melanosporum. At the same time, we wanted to highlight the key importance of earthworms on mycorrhization success, however after one year from spore inoculation, negative effects of added earthworms on mycorrhization level was observed, suggesting on lacking appropriate food source, which leaded to earthworms root grazing. After one year from spore inoculation, silver fir was confirmed as a appropriate host partner for truffle T. aestivum, but not also for truffles T. borchii and T. melanosporum, which's presence on silver fir root tips was not observed.
Secondary keywords: ectomycorrhiza;silver fir;temporal changes;abiotic factors;exploration types;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak.
Pages: XV, 169 f.,
ID: 11462187