diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij - 1. stopnja
Neža Kunej (Author), Jurij Marenče (Mentor), Nike Krajnc (Co-mentor)


Predstavniki cerkve so na Brezjah, GGE Radovljica levi breg Save, pokazali interes za izgradnjo srednje velikega sistema za ogrevanje. Z raziskavo smo ţeleli ugotoviti kolikšen je interes lastnikov gozdov v okolici Brezij za dostavo biomase za sekance, ki bi oskrbovali ta sistem. Preverili smo kolikšne so teoretične moţnosti takšnega sodelovanja: s pomočjo gozdnogospodarskega načrta, ankete med lastniki gozdov in rezultati projekta "Per-les", ki ga je izvajal Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije. S pomočjo osebnega intervjuja smo pridobili vse potrebne podatke o potrebah in zahtevah porabnika oziroma lastnika sistema. V okviru analize gozdnogospodarskega načrta in lesnih fondov smo ugotovili, da je lesa slabše kakovosti, ki bi bil potencialno lahko uporaben za naš namen, dovolj. Tudi glede na rezultate po metodologiji Gozdarskega inštituta - Oddelek za gozdno tehniko in ekonomiko, je potenciala dovolj. Pri anketi, kjer smo lastnike razdelili v tri razrede glede na velikost posesti, pa smo ugotovili, da je predvsem velikih lastnikov zelo malo. Posest je večinoma majhna in zelo razdrobljena. Ugotovili smo, da so večji lastniki zainteresirani za prodajo lesa v te namene, pri manjših pa bi bilo potrebno njihovo zdruţevanje.


biomasa;potenciali;energetski nameni;Brezje;GGE Radovljica;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [N. Kunej]
UDC: 630*33(496.6Radovljica)(043.2)=163.6
COBISS: 4171942 Link will open in a new window
Views: 446
Downloads: 107
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Possibilities for wood exploitation for energy purposes in forest management unit Radovljica levi breg Save
Secondary abstract: Church representatives showed interest in building a semi-large heating system in Brezje, Forest Management Unit Radovljica levi breg Save. We conducted a survey to establish the level of interest of forest owners in the vicinity of Brezje for delivery of wood chips that would supply the system. Additionally, we analysed the theoretical chances of such cooperation through the use of the silvicultural plan, a survey among forest owners and the results of a "Per-les" project carried out by the Slovenian Forestry Institute. By personally interviewing the staff, we obtained all the necessary data about the needs and demands of forest owners. The analysis of the silvicultural plan and wood fonds proved that the quantity of low-quality wood that would potentially suit the purpose is sufficient. In addition, results obtained following a methodology of the Forestry Institute, Department for Forest Technique and Economics, yielded similar results. In our survey, where forest owners were divided into three categories depending on the property size, we found that there were few big owners. The properties are predominatly small and very fragmented. Finally, we found that big owners show interest for selling wood for these purposes while small owners would benefit from pooling.
Secondary keywords: wood chips;potentials;energetic purposes;Brezje;GGE Radovljica;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire
Pages: VIII f., 41 f., [20] f. pril., [1] f. zganj. zvd.
ID: 11534091