magistrsko delo


Zveza lastnikov gozdov Slovenije (ZLGS) povezuje zasebne lastnike gozdov, povezane v 19 društev lastnikov gozdov (DLG), gozdarsko društvo, tri strojne krožke in solastniško skupnost. Ker se ZLGS srečuje s problemom nestalnih finančnih sredstev ter profesionalizacije dela, je njeno delovanje omejeno le na določene naloge, med katerimi je najpomembnejša zastopanje lastnikov gozdov pri sprejemanju z gozdom povezane zakonodaje. V cilju izboljšanja delovanja ZLGS je bil namen raziskave analizirati zadovoljstvo članov z delovanjem ZLGS, ugotoviti kakšna so njihova pričakovanja do ZLGS, katerim področjem dela naj se ZLGS v prihodnosti bolj posveča glede na potrebe članov ter ali so člani ZLGS pripravljeni na poslovno sodelovanje z ZLGS. Podatki so bili pridobljeni z intervjuvanjem predsednikov/predstavnikov članov ZLGS. Člani ZLGS so v raziskavi izkazali zadovoljstvo z delom ZLGS, predvsem zaradi njene vključenosti v procese sprejemanja zakonodaje, povezane z gozdovi. Zadovoljni so tudi s soorganizacijo licitacije in promocijo ZLGS. V prihodnje bi si člani ZLGS želeli, da bi ZLGS organizirala strokovne ekskurzije ter da bi svetovala in pomagala članom pri gozdarskih razpisih. Ugotovili smo, da je smiselno, da ZLGS v prihodnosti organizira koordinirano prodajo gozdno lesnih sortimentov, saj člani za to kažejo velik interes. Kot ena od možnosti za poslovno povezovanje med ZLGS in njenimi člani se je pokazala tudi organizacija skupnega upravljanja oziroma gospodarjenja z gozdovi za neaktivne lastnike gozdov. Kot osnova za kakršnokoli povezovanje ZLGS z njenimi člani pa je nujno, da postane stik med ZLGS in njenimi člani tesnejši, kar bi lahko dosegli z večjo aktivnostjo članov.


zasebni lastniki gozdov;povezovanje lastnikov gozdov;Zveza lastnikov gozdov Slovenije;zadovoljstvo članov z delovanjem;poslovno povezovanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [K. Plevnik]
UDC: 630*94:630*92(497.4)(043.2)=163.6
COBISS: 14891523 Link will open in a new window
Views: 784
Downloads: 183
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of members' satisfaction with the Forest Owners Association of Slovenia performance
Secondary abstract: The Forest Owners Association of Slovenia (FOAS) connects private forest owners joined in 20 forest owners% associations, three machine rings and one co-ownership community. As the FOAS faces the problem of non-permanent financial resources and the unprofessional nature of its work, its activities are limited to certain tasks, the most important of which is representing forest owners in the implementation of forest- related policy processes. With the aim of improving FOAS's performance, the satisfaction of FOAS members with FOAS%s performance was analysed and their expectations were determined. The aim was also to find out which areas of work the FOAS should devote more attention to in the future, in accordance with the needs of its members, and whether the members of the FOAS are prepared to enter into business cooperation with the FOAS. The data were obtained by interviewing the chairmen/representatives of the FOAS members. The members of the FOAS expressed their satisfaction with the work of the FOAS, especially because of its participation in the forestry policy process. They are also satisfied with the co-organisation of the auction of high quality timber and the promotion of the FOAS. In the future, the FOAS%s members would like the FOAS to organize excursions and to advise and assist members in the process of applying to forest tenders. It was found that it makes sense for the FOAS to organise coordinated sales of timber in future, as members are showing interest in this. One of the possibilities of business cooperation between the FOAS and its members is also the organisation of joint forest management for passive (urban) forest owners. However, as a basis for improved cooperation between the FOAS and its members, it is necessary that the contacts between the FOAS and its members become more frequent, which could be achieved by greater activity of the members.
Secondary keywords: private forest owners;cooperation of forest owners;Forest owners association of Slovenia;members' satisfaction with performance;business cooperation;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire
Pages: VII, 80 f., [3] f. pril.
ID: 11548790
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