magistrsko delo
Vito Penhofer (Author), Borut Milfelner (Mentor), Simona Šarotar Žižek (Co-mentor)


Zavzetost zaposlenih postaja vedno pomembnejši raziskovalni konstrukt managementa človeških virov, saj ima pozitivne učinke ne samo na individualno uspešnost, ampak tudi na zadovoljstvo zaposlenih z delom. V instituciji javnega prava smo raziskovali tako zadovoljstvo z delom kot tudi zavzetost zaposlenih. V organizaciji so zaposleni z delom zadovoljni, namreč vse trditve (skupaj jih je bilo za merjenje zadovoljstva zaposlenih pri delu uporabljenih 20) izkazujejo nadpovprečno vrednost. Najnižja povprečna vrednost med trditvami je bila 3,0. Prav tako so zaposleni v tej organizaciji tudi zavzeti. Za merjenje zavzetosti smo uporabili 17 trditev in vse so imele nadpovprečne vrednosti. K temu zagotovo pozitivno prispeva tudi interno komuniciranje, s katerim lahko pri zaposlenih zbujamo pozitivno, zadovoljujoče, z delom povezano stanje duha, za katerega sta značilna zagnanost in predanost. Namreč izsledki raziskave kažejo, da ima obravnavana organizacija urejeno interno komuniciranje in da so zaposleni zadovoljivo informirani (vse trditve so imele višjo povprečno vrednost od 3). Organizaciji predlagamo, da še naprej investira v njihove zaposlene (tako v smislu njihovega osebnostnega razvoja in razvoja kompetenc), izboljšuje pogoje dela, vlaga v interno komuniciranje, varnost in zdravje, saj bo tako še naprej ohranilo zadovoljstvo in zavzetost zaposlenih na visoki ravni.


zaposleni;zadovoljstvo zaposlenih;zavzetost;management človeških virov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [V. Penhofer]
UDC: 331.101.32
COBISS: 26116611 Link will open in a new window
Views: 847
Downloads: 271
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Employee engagement and satisfaction with work in organization X
Secondary abstract: The endeavour of the employees is becoming an increasingly important human resources management research construct because of its positive effects on individual prosperity as well as on general work contentment. The work contentment and the endeavour of the employees were researched in a public-sector institution, where everyone claims to be satisfied with what they do. The survey namely showed (there were 20 different statements used to measure the work contentment of the employees) above average estimates. The lowest average estimate was 3.0. It should be noted that the employees in this organisation are very enthusiastic about their work. The endeavour of the employees was measured with 17 statements, which all again gave above average estimates. It is the internal communication that definitely contributes to this situation creating a positive and satisfactory work-related state of mind, which is characterised by determination and commitment. According to research data, there is an arranged internal communication provided by this organisation, which enables the employees to be satisfactory informed (the estimated average value was above 3.0). The organisation is suggested to invest in their employees in the future (by means of personal development as well as skills development), to improve working conditions, invest in internal communication, safety and health with the aim to maintain a high-level contentment and endeavour of the employees.
Secondary keywords: employees;employee satisfaction with work;employee engagement;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 77 str., 4 str. pril.
ID: 11570679
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