diplomsko delo
Valentina Drofenik (Author), Alenka Kuhelj (Mentor)


Diplomska naloga zajema tematiko problematike jedrske energije. Podrobneje je opisano področje pridobivanja jedrske energije in večje jedrske nesreče, ki so zaznamovale miselnost o jedrski energiji. Te večje nesreče so: nesreča na otoku Treh milj, Černobil in Fukušima-Daiči. Podrobneje je opisana naša nuklearna elektrarna Krško. S to diplomsko nalogo želim predstaviti jedrsko energijo, njene pozitivne in negativne lastnosti. Raziskati eno od največji jedrskih nesreč na svetu in preveriti, kakšne so možnosti, da do nesreče pride pri nas. Namen naloge je pregledati obstoječo strokovno in znanstveno literaturo, pregledati dokumentarne filme in vse skupaj analizirati in prikazati rezultate. Delo je sestavljeno iz več sklopov. V prvem sklopu je podana teoretična opredelitev problema jedrske energije, kaj sploh je in na kakšen način se pridobiva, kaj je atom ter do kakšnih reakcij prihaja. V drugem sklopu se posvetim svetovnim jedrskim nesrečam, ki omadežujejo jedrsko energijo in povzročajo strah v miselnosti ljudi in zasajajo dvom o pridobivanju jedrske energije. Tretji sklop je posvečen naši nuklearni elektrarni Krško, njenem opisu, nastanku ter primerjavi z nesrečo v Černobilu. V sklopu najdete podatke, kako skrbi nuklearna elektrarna Krško, da do nesreč ne prihaja. Analizirano je poročilo o delovanju nuklearne elektrarne v leto 2016. Četrti sklop pa prikazuje slovensko zakonodajo na področji jedrske energije in jedrske varnosti ter evropsko zakonodajo. Peti sklop predstavlja Francijo kot državo jedrske energije in se nadaljuje v analiziranje, ali je popoln prehod na obnovljive vire energije res dobra odločitev. V zaključku je podana ugotovitev, da ima jedrska energija tudi veliko pozitivnih lastnosti in da pomaga k zmanjšanju onesnaževanja zraka. Podana je ugotovitev, da naša nuklearna elektrarna Krško sledi slovenski zakonodaji in prav tako evropski ter skrbi za varno delovanje in varnost zaposlenih. Predstavljen je moj pogled na jedrsko energijo in dejstvo, da bi glede na pridobljeno znanje z raziskovanjem strokovnih člankov predlagala, da namesto popolnega prehoda na obnovljive vire energije raje razmislimo o družitvi jedrske energije in obnovljive energije.


jedrska energija;nuklearna elektrarna Krško;jedrske nesreče;jedrska zakonodaja;Slovenija;Francija;obnovljiva energija;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FU - Faculty of Administration
Publisher: [V. Drofenik]
UDC: 502.21:621.039
COBISS: 14027523 Link will open in a new window
Views: 636
Downloads: 262
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The diploma paper deals with the issue of nuclear energy. The scope of nuclear power generation and major nuclear disasters, which marked the mentality of nuclear energy, are described in greater detail. These major disasters are: an accident on the islands of Tree Miles, Chernobyl and Fukushima-Daichi. Our Nuclear Krško is described in more detail. With this diploma thesis, I want to present nuclear energy, its positive and negative properties. To investigate one of the greatest nuclear accidents in the world, and to look at the possibilities for the accident to come with us. The purpose of the task is to review existing professional and scientific literature, to examine documentary films and to analyze and present the results together. The work consists of several sets. In the first part, the theoretical definition of the problem of nuclear energy is given, what is and in what way is obtained, what is the atom, and what reactions are coming from. In the second part, I dedicate myself to global nuclear accidents that tarnish nuclear energy and cause fear in people's minds and cast doubt on the acquisition of nuclear energy. The third section is dedicated to our nuclear power plant Krško, its description, its origin and its comparison with the Chernobyl disaster. As part of this, you will find information on how Krško nuclear power plant is concerned so that accidents do not occur. The report on the operation of the nuclear power plant in the year 2016 is analyzed. The fourth round shows Slovenian legislation in the fields of nuclear energy and nuclear safety and European legislation. The fifth set represents France as a nuclear energy country and continues to analyze whether the perfect transition to renewable energy sources is a good decision. In conclusion, the conclusion is that nuclear energy also has many positive properties and that it helps to reduce air pollution. It is stated that our nuclear Krško follows the Slovenian and European legislation and ensures safe operation and safety of employees. My view of nuclear energy and the fact that looking at the acquired knowledge through the research of professional articles suggested that instead of the complete transition to renewable energy sources, we would rather consider a society of nuclear energy and renewable energy.
Secondary keywords: nuclear energy;nuclear power plant Krško;nuclear accidents;nuclear legislation;Slovenia;France;renewable energy;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Study programme: 1000529
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Pages: IX, 29 str.
ID: 11582864