doktorska disertacija
Renata Pamić (Author), Franc Pohleven (Mentor)


Na ohranjenost lesenih objektov kulturne dediščine poleg odpornosti lesne vrste bistveno vpliva konstrukcijska zaščita lesa. S konstrukcijo lahko zagotovimo, da bodo objekti čim manj izpostavljeni biotskim in abiotskim dejavnikom. Vendar v strukturo kulturno zgodovinskih objektov lahko posegamo le v tolikšni meri, da ohranimo njihovo zunanjo podobo. Na izbranih objektih kulturne dediščine, izpostavljenih izrazito neugodnim klimatskim pogojem, smo ugotovili, da jim zaradi neustrezne konstrukcije grozi propad. Ukrepe konstrukcijske zaščite smo podredili in prilagodili ohranjanju materialnih in kulturnih značilnosti objektov. Poškodovane dele lesa smo zamenjali z zračno suhim iste vrste. S posegi v konstrukcijo smo izboljšali pogoje izpostavitve s tem, da smo preprečili zatekanje in zadrževanje vode ter omogočili čim hitreje odtekanje in sušenje. Konstrukcijski ukrepi in specifični načini izvedbe so postali integralni del zaščite, ki bo prispevala k trajnosti objektov ter zmanjšanju stroškov vzdrževanja. Na izbranih objektih kulturne dediščine smo dokazali, da s strokovnim načrtovanjem in izvajanjem konstrukcijske zaščite bistveno izboljšujemo pogoje in tako prispevamo k ohranjanju kulturne dediščine. Izvirni ukrepi in projektne rešitve konstrukcijske zaščite so lahko izhodišče ter model pri sanaciji podobnih lesenih objektov kulturne dediščine.


konstrukcijska zaščita lesa;konstrukcijske napake;kulturni pomen dediščine;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [R. Pamić]
UDC: 630*84(043.3)=163.6
COBISS: 4142246 Link will open in a new window
Views: 536
Downloads: 141
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: New approaches to constructional wood protection on cultural heritage buildings
Secondary abstract: In addition to the resistance of wood species, constructional wood protection significantly affects the preservation of wooden objects of the cultural heritage. The construction can ensure that the objects are as little as possible exposed to biotic and abiotic factors. However, we only intervene in their structure to the extent that it does not compromise their external appearance. We found that selected objects of the cultural heritage exposed to highly unfavourable climatic conditions were threatened with decay due to inadequate construction. Constructional protection measures were subordinated and adapted to conservation of the physical and cultural characteristics of the objects. Damaged parts of the wood were replaced with air dried wood of the same species. The interventions in construction improved the conditions of exposure in that they prevented the inflow and retention of water and enabled faster draining and drying. Constructional measures and specific methods of implementation have become an integral part of protection that will contribute to the durability of objects and to the reduction of maintenance costs. It was demonstrated with selected cultural heritage objects that expert planning and implementation of constructional protection significantly improves the conditions of conservation and contributes to protection of the cultural heritage. Innovative measures and project solutions of constructional protection can be a starting point and a model for the arrangement of similar wooden objects of the cultural heritage.
Secondary keywords: constructional protection of wood;constructional failures;cultural significance of heritage;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak.
Pages: XIV f., 132 f., [12] f. pril.
ID: 11587451