diplomsko delo
Indira Kudelić (Author), Martina Bizjak (Reviewer), Renata Vettorazzi (Mentor)


Uvod: Poporodna depresija je pogosta duševna bolezen, ki se pojavi v poporodnem obdobju in predstavlja velik javnozdravstveni problem. Za poporodno depresijo trpi približno 10 do 22 odstotkov žensk, število obolelih pa v današnjem času drastično narašča. Poporodna depresija vpliva tako na zdravje matere kot tudi na zdravje novorojenčka ter predvsem na njune medsebojne interakcije. Težave, ki jih povzroča poporodna depresija se najpogosteje izražajo v materinem počutju in delovanju, v osnovi pa so pogosto povezane z različnimi težavami pri dojenju. Namen: Predstaviti vpliv poporodne depresije na dojenje. Metode dela: Uporabljen je bil deskriptivni raziskovalni pristop s pregledom literature na temo vpliv poporodne depresije na dojenje. Pregledali in analizirali smo literaturo, napisano v slovenskem, angleškem in hrvaškem jeziku, s prosto dostopnim celotnim besedilom. Literaturo smo iskali s pomočjo iskalnika DiKUL ter podatkovnih baz CINAHL, Science Direct in Medline, v času od novembra 2018 do marca 2019. Rezultati: Mnoge študije dokazujejo, da ima poporodna depresija pomemben negativen vpliv na dojenje, pri čemer avtorji izpostavljajo predvsem vpliv poporodne depresije na trajanje dojenja. Poporodna depresija vpliva na nižjo raven hormona oksitocina in prolaktina, kar zmanjšuje tvorbo mleka in zavira izločanje materinega mleka iz dojke. Stik kože na kožo med materjo in otrokom je izjemno učinkovita intervencija pri preprečevanju in zmanjševanju poporodne depresije. Razprava in zaključek: Pri pregledu literature smo ugotovili, da ima poporodna depresija pomemben negativen vpliv na dojenje. Kljub enotnim ugotovitvam večine avtorjev nekateri še vedno trdijo, da med poporodno depresijo in dojenjem ni nikakršne povezave. Čeprav število obolelih s poporodno depresijo drastično narašča, je le ta še vedno slabo raziskana. V prihodnosti bi bile potrebne nadaljnje raziskave o poporodni depresiji, o vplivu poporodne depresije na dojenje in možnih načinih nefarmakološkega zdravljenja.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;poporodna depresija;dojenje;stik kože na kožo;prolaktin;oksitocin;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [I. Kudelić]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 14124291 Link will open in a new window
Views: 853
Downloads: 349
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂeffect of postpartum depression on breastfeeding
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Postpartum depression is a common mental illness that occurs in the postpartum period and is a major public health problem. Postpartum depression affects about 10 to 22 percent of women, and the number of patients suffering from this disease is increasing dramatically today. Postpartum depression affects both maternal and neonatal health and, in particular, their interactions. Problems caused by postpartum depression are most commonly expressed in maternal well-being and functioning, and are often associated with various problems with breastfeeding. Purpose: To present the impact of postpartum depression on breastfeeding. Methods: A descriptive research approach was used to review the literature on the impact of postpartum depression on breastfeeding. We reviewed and analyzed literature written in Slovene, English and Croatian, with freely available full text. We searched the literature using the DiKUL search engine and the CINAHL, Science Direct, and Medline databases from November 2018 to March 2019. Results: Many studies show that postpartum depression has a significant negative impact on breastfeeding, with the authors highlighting the impact of postpartum depression on the duration of breastfeeding. Postpartum depression has a lower hormone level of oxytocin and prolactin, which reduces milk production and inhibits the excretion of breast milk from the breast. Mother-to-child skin-to-skin contact is an extremely effective intervention in preventing and reducing postpartum depression. Discussion and conclusion: In the literature review, we found that postpartum depression had a significant negative impact on breastfeeding. Despite the consistent findings of most authors, some still claim that there is no association between postpartum depression and breastfeeding. Although the number of women suffering from postpartum depression is increasing dramatically, it is still poorly researched. In the future, more in-depth studies about postpartum depression, the impact of postpartum depression on breastfeeding and possible non-pharmacological treatment options would be needed.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing care;postpartum depression;skin-to-skin contact;breastfeeding;prolactin;oxytocin;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 26 str.
ID: 11638767